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Predicting Student Psychological Entitlement: Comparing Helicopter Parenting and Parental Control

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Julianne Hymel Psychology Naomi Ekas Psychology Chrystyna Kouros Psychology Deborah Rafferty Psychology
Advisor(s): Naomi Ekas Psychology
Location: First Floor, Table 1, Position 1, 11:30-1:30

Introduction: Some may believe that helicopter parenting and controlling parenting behaviors are the same, but parental control as a parenting style is distinct and separate from helicopter parenting (LeMoyne & Buchanan, 2011). Helicopter parenting is a widely known parenting style that is characterized by the tendency for parents to be over-involved in the lives of their children in attempts to shield children from experiencing pain, discomfort, or failure (Padilla-Walker & Nelson, 2012). Helicopter parenting behaviors have been linked to concerning child outcomes, however, including lowered student academic motivation and achievement (Schiffrin & Liss, 2017), decreased psychological well-being (LeMoyne & Buchanan, 2011), and increased feelings of depression and anxiety (Set, 2020). Parental control, alternatively, is characterized by complete control of the child’s life while expecting compliance with parent demands without exception. Child outcomes as a result of parental control also differ such that these children tend to have greater academic achievement (Watabe & Hibbard, 2014). The goal of the current study was to further explore how parents’ helicopter parenting and controlling parenting behaviors differ in predicting their students’ psychological entitlement. It was hypothesized that both helicopter parenting and controlling parenting behaviors will predict higher student psychological entitlement with helicopter parenting predicting a greater increase.
Methods: Six hundred sixty-five undergraduate psychology students at two Southern private universities were recruited through SONA. Participants answered a battery of online questionnaires about their relationship with their parent, their parent’s personality traits, and their helicopter parenting and controlling parenting behaviors. Additionally, participants answered questions about their own personality traits, academic achievement, and overall well-being.
Results: A simultaneous multiple regression was performed to explore the association between parents’ helicopter parenting and parental control scores on their students’ psychological entitlement scores. The results showed a significant association between helicopter parenting and student psychological entitlement, b = 1.54, SE = .57, t = 2.70, p = .007, R2 = .01, with increases in helicopter parenting scores predicting an increase in student psychological entitlement scores. There was also a marginally significant association between parental control and child psychological entitlement, b = -.10, SE = .05, t = 1.95, p = .052, R2 = .01, with increases in parental control scores predicting a decrease in child psychological entitlement scores. These results suggest that helicopter parenting behaviors predict higher student psychological entitlement whereas controlling parenting behaviors predict lower student psychological entitlement. For exploratory purposes, another variable, student gender, was entered into the model to assess whether gender was a predictor of student psychological entitlement. Gender was dummy coded using females as the reference group coded as 0. The results showed that there was no significant association between students’ gender and psychological entitlement scores, b = .38, SE = .83, t = .46, p = .646, R2 = .000, suggesting that gender is not associated with one’s psychological entitlement.
Discussion: Helicopter parenting and parental control are two, distinct styles of parenting that result in differing effects on student psychological entitlement. The results of the study support the hypothesis that helicopter parenting would predict a greater increase in psychological entitlement compared to parental control, however, the results refuted the claim that both parenting styles would predict increases in psychological entitlement as parental control predicted a moderately significant decrease in entitlement. Future research should examine whether these results replicate among more racially diverse and younger samples. Having a richer understanding of the parental contributors to the development of child psychological entitlement over the span of childhood and adolescence will aid professionals in identifying and changing problematic parental behaviors to decrease these outcomes.

LeMoyne, T., & Buchanan, T. (2011). Does “hovering” matter? Helicopter parenting and its effect on well-being. Sociological Spectrum, 31(4), 399-418.
Padilla‐Walker, L.M., & Nelson, L.J. (2012). Black Hawk down? Establishing helicopter parenting as a distinct construct from other forms of parental control during emerging adulthood. Journal of Adolescence, 35(5), 1177-90.
Schiffrin, H.H., & Liss, M. (2017). The effects of helicopter parenting on academic motivation. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26, 1472-1480.
Set, Z. (2020). The mediating role of inflated sense of self and impulsivity in the relationship between helicopter parenting and psychological symptoms. Archives of Neuropsychology, 57(4), 318-324.
Watabe, A., & Hibbard, D. R. (2014). The influence of authoritarian and authoritative parenting on children’s academic achievement motivation: A comparison between the United States and Japan. North American Journal of Psychology, 16(2), 359–382.

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Assessing staff attitudes and needs in a trauma-informed organization: a mixed-methods study

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Ally Jackson Psychology Casey Call Psychology Jaclyn Ibarra Psychology Elizabeth Joseph Psychology Allison May Psychology Abigail Meder Psychology Talia Washington Psychology
Advisor(s): Casey Call Psychology
Location: Basement, Table 4, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

Assessing staff attitudes and needs in a trauma-informed organization: a mixed-methods study
Background: Prior research has found that high burnout rates are prevalent in organizations that work
with individuals who have experienced trauma. Furthermore, high burnout is associated with secondary
traumatic stress, which can affect staff’s ability to provide care to clients. Therefore, the purpose of the
current study was to identify staff satisfaction and departmental needs at an organization specializing in
family services for those who have experienced trauma.
Methods: An online survey, including qualitative and quantitative questions, was developed via
Qualtrics and emailed to one non-profit organization. The results are comprised of responses from 20
Result: Overall, the participants rated their organization favorably. The average burnout and secondary
traumatic stress levels were low, which indicates no issues present in these categories. Simple linear
regression was used to test if burnout significantly predicted secondary traumatic stress. It was found
that burnout significantly predicted secondary traumatic stress (β = .57, p = .001). These results were
corroborated by qualitative data from staff, where staff demonstrated a general positive experience
within their work environment. However, when prompted staff identified aspects of the organization
that could be improved: the low number of staff employed, staff coordination and training, open
communication between coworkers and supervisors, reinstating staff events, and increased access to
mental health services.
Limitations: This study is limited by its small sample size and may not be generalizable to other
organizations, as only one organization was assessed.
Conclusion: The current study found that burnout predicts secondary traumatic stress. Overall, the staff
assessed feel that their organization is a positive work environment but identified areas for
improvement such as the number of staff, training, communication, the addition of social events, and
access to mental health services. Addressing staff concerns could reduce staff burnout and increase
satisfaction. Additionally, ensuring that staff needs are met could also benefit clients, as staff and
organizational factors are related to the quality of services.

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An Examination of Perceived Valence of Deterministic Outcomes and Moral Behavior

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Sophia Jones Psychology Sara Bond Psychology Jennie Chuah Psychology Nate Jones Psychology Kenneth Leising Psychology Jordan Nerz Psychology
Advisor(s): Kenneth Leising Psychology
Location: Second Floor, Table 2, Position 3, 1:45-3:45

A deterministic position claims that all events, including human choice behavior, are caused by other events (e.g., a person’s environment and past experiences). In contrast, indeterminism, or free will, maintains that a decision can emanate solely from within (i.e., independent of external influences). Previous research found that participants who read deterministic passages cheated more on an arithmetic test than those who read free will passages (Vohs & Schooler, 2008). The current research examined how the valence of the outcomes in passages influenced behavior (i.e., cheating). Experiment 1 examined how positive or negative participants rated passages that described an action within a deterministic or indeterministic universe that ended in a positive (e.g., a rescued child), negative (e.g., a lost child), or neutral (e.g., a child sitting) outcome. In Experiment 2, participants read one of the above mentioned passages followed by an additional 9 passages and comprehension questions. After reading each passage, a click to a “Show Questions” button made the passage disappear and the comprehension questions appear. To manipulate cheating, on some passages, the questions were automatically displayed while the passage was visible. Participants could answer the questions with the passage visible or click “Show Questions” to remove it. Results will be discussed in terms of the reported valence and the number of times “show questions” was clicked.

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MEMO-ASAP: Mealtime Effects on Maternal Outcomes- Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum Amongst the COVID Pandemic

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Kate Lindig Psychology Dr. Naomi Ekas Psychology Dr. Chrystyna Kouros Psychology Deborah Rafferty Psychology
Advisor(s): Dr. Naomi Ekas Psychology
Location: Third Floor, Table 6, Position 1, 1:45-3:45

Title: MEMO-ASAP: Mealtime Effects on Maternal Outcomes- Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum Amongst the COVID Pandemic

Authors: Kate Lindig, Deborah Rafferty, Naomi Ekas, and Chrystyna Kouros

Introduction: Mental health of mothers of children on the autism spectrum has been extensively studied (e.g., Sawyer et al., 2009). Prior studies have found connections between the time commitment and pressure experienced by mothers of autistic children and poor mental health outcomes (Liu et al., 2020). Mealtimes for children on the autism spectrum often create stress for mothers (Ausderau & Juarez, 2013). Children on the autism spectrum often experience various difficulties with feeding and mealtime behaviors, such as limited food variety (Curtin et al., 2015), food neophobia (Kuschner et al., 2015), high rates of food refusal and more restricted food repertoire compared to neurotypical children (Bandini et al., 2019), as well as increased disruptive behaviors around mealtimes (Curtin et al., 2015). While little research has examined how feeding behaviors in autistic children impact mothers’ mental health (e.g., Ausderau & Juarez, 2013), it is possible that these behaviors may exacerbate negative mental health outcomes as mothers spending hours attempting to help their children eat with little fruition likely causes feelings of stress and anxiety. Therefore, this study aims to examine how food restrictiveness and disruptive behavior during mealtimes for children on the autism spectrum affects measures of maternal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has the potential to elevate stress-levels and other negative mental health outcomes for mothers.

Method: Ninety-seven mothers with a child on the autism spectrum served as participants for this study. All mothers participated in October 2020 as a follow-up to a larger study that began prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mothers were mostly white, non-Hispanic (77%), college-educated (45%), with a yearly income greater than $40K (90%). Mothers answered surveys about their children’s mealtime behaviors (BAMBI) and their own mental health (IDAS, NIH PROMIS).

Results: Two separate multiple regressions were performed to examine associations between disruptive mealtime behaviors, such as refusing to stay seated or screaming, and maternal dysphoria and stress. Results indicated a significant, positive association between the number of disruptive behaviors a child or adolescent with ASD exhibited during mealtimes and maternal self-reports of dysphoria, b = 1.24 (SE = .60), t = 2.05, p = .04, R2 = .05, while controlling for everything else in the model. Similarly, there was a significant, positive relation between disruptive mealtime behaviors and maternal self-reports of stress, b = 1.66 (SE = .82), t = 2.02, p = .047, R2 = .09. The relations between limited variety of food and the study outcome variables were non-significant, ps ≥ .09.

Discussion: Autistic children’s disruptive mealtime behaviors were associated with poor maternal mental health outcomes, specifically higher depressive symptoms and greater stress. Consequently, finding ways to lower disruptive mealtime behaviors is important, since they have the potential to impact maternal mental health outcomes. Future research should test various mealtime intervention programs to find the most effective ways for parents to minimize their autistic children’s disruptive mealtime behaviors. Additionally, future research should explore the effects of mealtime behaviors on fathers’ mental health outcomes, since they are often present during their autistic children’s mealtimes. Finally, future research should look specifically at how children on the autism spectrum’s mealtime behaviors at the current time compare to those during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the present study’s data was collected.

Ausderau, K., & Juarez, M. (2013). The impact of autism spectrum disorders and eating challenges on family mealtimes. ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent
Nutrition, 5(5), 315–323.
Bandini, L. G., Curtin, C., Eliasziw, M., Phillips, S., Jay, L., Maslin, M., & Must, A. (2019). Food selectivity in a diverse sample of young children with and
without intellectual disabilities. Appetite, 133, 433–440.
Curtin, C., Hubbard, K., Anderson, S. E., Mick, E., Must, A., & Bandini, L. G. (2015). Food selectivity, mealtime behavior problems, spousal stress, and family
food choices in children with and without autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(10), 3308–3315.
Kuschner, E. S., Eisenberg, I. W., Orionzi, B., Simmons, W. K., Kenworthy, L., Martin, A., & Wallace, G. L. (2015). A preliminary study of self-reported food
selectivity in adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 15-16, 53–59.
Liu, R., Dong, H., Wang, Y., Lu, X., Li, Y., Xun, G., Ou, J., Shen, Y., Xia, K., & Zhao, J. (2020). Sleep problems of children with autism may independently affect
parental quality of life. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 52(3), 488–499.
Mayes, S. D., Calhoun, S. L., Murray, M. J., & Zahid, J. (2011). Variables associated with anxiety and depression in children with autism. Journal of
Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 23(4), 325–337.
Sawyer, M. G., Bittman, M., La Greca, A. M., Crettenden, A. D., Harchak, T. F., & Martin, J. (2009). Time demands of caring for children with autism: What are
the implications for maternal mental health? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40(5), 620–628.

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Discrepancies in Ratings of Child Behavior Between Mothers and Fathers of Children with Autism: Associations with Parent and Family Functioning

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Sarah Madison Psychology Chrystyna Kouros Psychology
Advisor(s): Naomi Ekas Psychology
Location: Basement, Table 5, Position 3, 1:45-3:45

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes deficits in reciprocal social communication and restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviors, interests, and activities (APA, 2013).
Previous work has found disagreement between parents in their perception of characteristics of their child (Duhig et al., 2000). These differences in perception have been termed ‘informant discrepancies’ and have been linked, in neurotypical (NT) families, to phenomena within the family system such as maternal depression and family distress levels (Christensen et al., 1992; Whiffen et al., 1990). Previous work with NT and ADHD children also found that mothers rated their child’s symptoms as more severe than fathers did (Langberg et al., 2010; Christensen et al., 1992). There is, however, a paucity of research examining possible discrepancies between parents of autistic children (Stratis & Lecavalier, 2015). Because the entire family is impacted by characteristics of each individual member, parents of children with autism may differ from parents of NT children and consequently, research utilizing parents of NT children may not generalize to parents of ASD children.
The current study seeks to examine possible patterns of discrepancies in parents’ perception of their child’s internalizing and externalizing behaviors in parents with ASD children. I aim to determine the rate at which parents agree about their child’s internalizing and externalizing behaviors and to determine which parent perceives behaviors as more severe when parents disagree. Lastly, I aim to determine whether discrepancies in parent perception of child behavior predict depression for either parent.
Participants in this multi-site study included 117 mothers and fathers with a child between 10 and 17 years old with autism. Parents were required to be married or cohabitating for at least one year, to be living with their child at least 50% of the time, and to be able to read and speak English. Their children were required to have a community diagnosis of ASD and must not have a co-occurring intellectual disability. Mothers’ average age was 43.15 years (SD = 6.42) and fathers’ average age was 44.99 years (SD = 6.90). The majority of parents were White and reports of annual family income revealed that 47% earned more than $100,000. Families came to the testing site and completed a series of questionnaires.
The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL: Achenbach, 1999) was used to measure parents’ perceptions of their child’s internalizing and externalizing behaviors. The CBCL contains a total of 73 items and two subscales; one for internalizing behaviors (mothers, α = .87; fathers, α = .86) and one for externalizing behaviors (mothers, α =.92; fathers, α = .91). Using a three-point Likert-type scale, parents were asked whether statements about their children were not true, somewhat true, or always true in the last two months. Parent depression was measured using the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS; Watson et al., 2007). This 64 item measure uses a five point Likert-type scale (1 = not at all, 5 = extremely) to measure how true statements are of the participant in the previous two weeks.
Parent scores were considered to be discrepant if they were more than half of a standard deviation apart. Raw scores were converted to Z scores in SPSS and the difference between Z scores was calculated. Analyses revealed that about half of parents agreed about their child’s symptoms while half disagreed for both internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Additionally, when parent did disagree, fathers rated behavior as more severe about half of the time, while mothers rated behavior as more severe the other half of the time (see Table 1 for precise descriptives).
Table 1. Percentage of instances of parent agreement, mother rating higher than father, and father rating higher than mother for internalizing and externalizing behaviors.
Externalizing Behaviors Internalizing Behaviors
Agreement groups Percentage Agreement groups Percentage
In agreement 50.90 In agreement 50.90
Mothers > fathers 24.10 Mothers > fathers 24.10
Fathers > mothers 25.00 Fathers > mothers 25.00

Further analyses will be conducted using polynomial regression with response surface analysis to determine whether discrepancies in parent perception of their child’s internalizing or externalizing symptoms predict depression for either parent.
Results revealed that parents agreed about their child’s symptoms about half of the time for both internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Additionally, in instances where parents disagreed, mothers rated behaviors higher than fathers half of the time and lower than fathers half of the time for both internalizing and externalizing behaviors. This is inconsistent with prior work using parents of NT children, which found that mothers tended to rate child behavior higher than fathers. Further work needs to assess both the potential factors contributing to each discrepancy type and possible individual and family outcomes associated with each type.
Analyses will be run before the conference to determine whether the discrepancies in parents’ perception of their child’s symptoms predict depression for the mothers or fathers included in our sample.


Achenbach, T. M. (1999). The Child Behavior Checklist and related instruments. In M. E. Maruish (Ed.), The use of psychological testing for treatment planning and outcomes assessment., 2nd ed. (pp. 429–466). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
Christensen, A., Margolin, G., & Sullaway, M. (1992). Interparental agreement on child behavior problems. Psychological Assessment, 4, 419–425.
Duhig, A. M., Renk, K., Epstein, M. K., & Phares, V. (2000). Interparental agreement on internalizing, externalizing, and total behavior problems: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 7(4), 435–453.
Stratis, E. A., & Lecavalier, L. (2015). Informant agreement for youth with autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disability: A meta-analysis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(4), 1026–1041.
Watson, D., O'Hara, M. W., Simms, L. J., Kotov, R., Chmielewski, M., McDade-Montez, E. A., & Stuart, S. (2007). Development and validation of the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS). Psychological assessment, 19(3), 253.

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An examination of the effect of temporal and spatial arrangement of stimuli on spatial choice behavior with pigeons

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Jordan Nerz Psychology Sara Bond Psychology Zoe Brous Psychology Nate Jones Psychology Kenneth Leising Psychology Taryn Pittman Psychology
Advisor(s): Kenneth Leising Psychology
Location: Second Floor, Table 5, Position 1, 11:30-1:30

In a feature-positive discrimination, responding to a target stimulus (A) is reinforced only when presented with a feature stimulus (X), but not when presented alone (XA+/A-). The manner in which animals solve this type of discrimination is affected by the temporal arrangement of the feature-target compound. Presenting the compound in a serial fashion (X --> A) results in X acquiring the ability to set the occasion to respond to A. When the compound is presented simultaneously (X:A), X could either directly control responding or X and A could form a unique stimulus configuration (i.e., configural learning). The present experiment used a spatial occasion setting procedure with pigeons to examine the ability of a feature (a diffuse background color) to modulate responding to a landmark (LM). For two of the feature-positive trial types, the feature and LM were presented simultaneously, and the LM and goal were always in the same spatial location (simultaneous/static). During other trial types, the feature preceded the presentation of the LM and the location of the LM and goal varied across trials (serial/dynamic). Responding was reinforced at the location to right or left of the landmark when presented with an occasion setter (static: +<-- WA, XB -->+, dynamic: +<--YC, ZD-->+), but not on LM-only trials. Transfer tests (WB, XA, YD, ZC) were used to differentiate between the features as occasion setters or direct control/configurations. The results of LM transfer tests will be discussed with respect to the mechanisms of feature-positive discrimination learning.

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Knowing when to shut up: Specific neurons control the suppression of vocal respiration

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Mariana Nguyen Psychology Rachel Arnold Psychology
Advisor(s): Brenton Cooper Psychology
Location: Basement, Table 8, Position 1, 1:45-3:45

Human language is an action wherein one plans for, produces, and terminates sound production. Errors in motor planning and production lead to vocal dysfluency. Motor control of respiration is critical for a myoelastic-aerodynamic sound generation mechanism that is used by humans and many other vocalizing animals. Developing our understanding of how the forebrain assumes control of brainstem respiratory circuitry is essential for understanding language initiation, execution, and termination. Songbirds are an animal model for speech production in humans because of the numerous similarities between song learning and production and language acquisition and speech production. Zebra finches sing a learned song that is composed of a motif of 4-7 syllables. The motif is repeated multiple times to form a song bout. Here we explore how a cell-type specific class of neurons control sound termination in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). In songbirds, motor production of song requires activity in premotor and motor cortical analogues HVC (letters used as proper name) and RA (robust nucleus of the arcopallium), respectively. Using an AAV (adeno-associated virus) as a viral vector and Cre-dependent expression of a red-shifted opsin (ChRmine), neurons in premotor cortex that project to motor cortex (HVCRA neurons) produced and inserted soma-targeted, membrane-bound ion channels that allowed for light-dependent manipulation of ongoing cellular activity. Using real-time recording of singing, optical stimulation was timed with the production of individual song syllables. Light stimulation was delivered while birds produced self-initiated and female-directed songs, as well as during quiet respiration. We measured respiratory pressure in birds while they were singing by inserting a small piece of silastic tubing into the anterior thoracic air sac. Singing was reliably disrupted by optical illumination of HVCRA neurons. During the production of song, optogenetic activation of HVCRA neurons resulted in a truncation of the ongoing song respiratory pattern within ~25 ms for female-directed songs and ~32 ms for self-initiated songs. Measures of ongoing respiration during HVCRA stimulation outside of singing had no measurable effects on respiration. These data demonstrate that ongoing song motor patterns can be interrupted via activation of a specific class of neurons, and that the effect is mediated by suppression of ongoing respiratory patterns. However, the suppression of respiration is state-dependent. When birds typically sing faster (female-directed song), the termination occurred faster compared to when they sing more slowly (self-initiated song). Further, outside of song, optical activation of the neurons did not affect ongoing respiration. This suggests that forebrain control of respiration is “permitted” only during song. The underlying neural mechanisms allowing for this state-dependent switch remain to be elucidated. The forebrain control of song termination requires robust activation of HVCRA neurons to suppress brainstem respiratory circuitry. Similar suppression of respiratory circuits may control the termination of human speech.

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The Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Counselor’s Manual Project: A Descriptive Study

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Rosemary Odem Psychology Erin Razuri Psychology
Advisor(s): Danica Knight Psychology
Location: Second Floor, Table 5, Position 3, 1:45-3:45

Introduction: TBRI is an attachment-based model of care for children and youth who have experienced relational trauma. TBRI has been used in a number of service settings, but there is a lack of research on TBRI in clinical and counseling services.   
Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate behaviors and trauma symptoms among foster and adopted children whose families received clinical services using the TBRI Counselor’s Manual. 
Methods: This study used a one group, pre-post design. Caregivers seeking clinical services for their foster and adopted children (n=14) completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Trauma Symptoms Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC) or Trauma Symptoms Checklist for Children (TSCC) prior to treatment and again after 18 family sessions with a clinician using the TBRI Counselor’s Manual.  
Results: Although statistical analyses were limited by the small sample size, descriptive statistics suggest that CBCL and TSCYC/TSCC scores were trending in positive directions. Specifically, mean t scores for most CBCL and TSCYC/TSCC subscales improved, including mean scores for attention problems, aggressive behaviors, and anger. Further, the percentage of participants with scores in the clinical/borderline range dropped for most subscales, including attention problems, aggressive behaviors, anger, arousal, as well as for the composite scales of internalizing problems and externalizing problems.   
Discussion: Preliminary findings suggest that TBRI may help improve behavior and trauma symptoms among adopted and foster children whose families participate in TBRI-based clinical services. Limitations include a high rate of attrition and lack of a control group. Further research is needed to establish the effectiveness of the intervention in improving outcomes for adopted and foster children and families.

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College-Related Well-Being in Emerging Adults: The Role of Helicopter Parenting and Entitlement

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Roxy Odiorne Psychology Naomi Ekas Psychology Chrystyna Kouros Psychology Sarah Madison Psychology Anastasiia Pavolva Psychology
Advisor(s): Naomi Ekas Psychology
Location: Third Floor, Table 5, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

Introduction: During emerging adulthood, the dynamics of the parent-child relationship change such that parents need to support their child’s independence and autonomy (Padilla-Walker et al., 2019). Engaging in helicopter parenting, where parents excessively monitor their adult children, is associated with greater mental health problems for emerging adults (Schiffrin et al., 2014). Emerging adults who experience greater helicopter parenting also report higher levels of entitlement (Segrin et al., 2012). As emerging adults transition to attending college, perhaps living away from home for the first time, they may experience challenges that negatively impact their mental health. However, there is a lack of research that focuses on how helicopter parenting impacts well-being specifically related to students’ college experience. Thus, the overall goal of the current study was to examine associations between helicopter parenting and emerging adult’s college-related well-being. A second aim was to determine the extent to which psychological and academic entitlement (i.e., the belief that academic success is deserved and the avoidance of personal responsibility) mediated these associations.

Method: Participants included 657 undergraduate students at two private universities in the United States. Participants completed an online survey composed of several measures evaluating the participants’ parents’ helicopter parenting behaviors and the participants’ own academic entitlement, psychological entitlement, and college related well-being. Measures used in the current analyses included the Helicopter Parenting and Autonomy Supportive Behavior Scale (Schiffrin et al., 2014), the academic entitlement scale (Chowning & Campbell, 2009), the Psychological Entitlement Scale (Campbell et al., 2004), and the College Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire (CSSWQ; Renshaw, 2016).

Results: Multiple mediation was used to investigate the extent to which academic entitlement – externalized responsibilities and entitled expectations -- and psychological entitlement mediated the association between helicopter parenting and well-being related to the college experience. Results revealed that helicopter parenting positively predicted each measure of entitlement, ps ≤ .001; but, only academic entitlement – externalized responsibilities significantly predicted college related well-being (b path), b = -5.82, SE = .71, p ≤ .001. The 95% confidence interval of the indirect effect using 5,000 bootstrap reiterations did not include zero [-1.25, -0.47], suggesting a significant indirect effect of helicopter parenting on college related well-being through academic entitlement – externalized responsibilities.

Discussion: Although helicopter parenting was associated with higher levels of each form of entitlement, only academic entitlement served as a mediator of the association between helicopter parenting and college related well-being. Students with higher levels of externalized responsibility generally avoid taking personal responsibility for their academic difficulties, instead blaming failures on others (e.g., their college professors). It is possible that these students were accustomed to having their parents manage academic tasks, particularly when they were living at home. However, now that they are living away from home and attending college, they feel entitled to expect similar treatment from their professors. These findings are important for college administrators and others working with college students to identify students who may be particularly vulnerable for struggling during the transition to college.

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How Does Prior Knowledge Impact Students' Study Order Decisions?

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Matt Olivares Psychology Addison Babineau Psychology Michelle Rivers Psychology Addison Williams Psychology
Advisor(s): Uma Tauber Psychology Michael Pelch Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 8, Position 3, 11:30-1:30

How does Prior Knowledge Impact Students’ Study Order Decisions?
Matthew N. Olivares, Addison P. Williams, Addison L. Babineau, Michelle L. Rivers, Sarah K. Tauber, & Michael A. Pelch

Learning complex concepts is essential for student success, but it is often challenging. To improve student concept learning, researchers have identified study strategies that can significantly increase student performance (Samani & Pan, 2021). One strategy that has a profound effect on complex concept learning is study order. Prior research has found that memory performance is better when concepts are studied in an interleaved order (i.e., studying multiple concepts mixed together) compared to a blocked order (i.e., studying one concept multiple times before moving to the next; Brunmair & Richter, 2019). One factor that may impact students’ study order decisions (i.e., the decision to interleave or to block) is prior knowledge. We hypothesized that students with more knowledge about a topic would choose to interleave more during learning than would students with less knowledge. To evaluate this hypothesis, we conducted a two-part study to explore the study order decisions of undergraduate students enrolled in Introductory Geology at TCU (i.e., “Understanding the Earth”). During session one of the study, students learned to classify categories of rocks (i.e., igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary) by either studying the rocks or by completing practice tests. After each learning trial, students could block their study by selecting to study another example from the same rock category (e.g., study multiple igneous rocks in a row); or they could interleave their study by selecting to study an example from a different rock category (e.g., study one igneous rock, then one sedimentary rock). After the first session, students completed activities and lectures in their Introductory Geology course aimed at increasing their knowledge of rock classifications. Then, students completed session two of the study by restudying the rock categories, making study order decisions, and taking a final test on rock classification. We will examine students’ study order decisions at session one (i.e., low prior knowledge) as compared to their study order decisions at session two (i.e., high prior knowledge).

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Teaching Procedures in Computer-Assisted Foreign-Language Vocabulary Instruction

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Harrison Perry Psychology Juliana Oliveira Psychology
Advisor(s): Anna Petursdottir Psychology
Location: First Floor, Table 2, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

The goal of the present study was to compare the effects of two presentation formats when teaching Icelandic words through computer-assisted instruction: In the high-density constructed response condition, the participant was shown a word in Icelandic and asked to type the Icelandic word in every trial. In the pair-test condition, most trials simply presented the Icelandic word paired with a word in English and typing was required only in intermittent probe trials. Ten undergraduate students will participate in the study. Five Icelandic words are assigned to each condition. The assignment of stimuli to conditions is counterbalanced across participants. Pre and post-tests included translation trials, in which the participants were either presented with an Icelandic word and asked to give its equivalent in English, or vice versa. Preliminary data suggest similar acquisition curves in both conditions.

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A Comparison of Anxiolytic Behavior in Long-Evans Rats Consuming Cannabidiol (CBD) and TgF344-AD Fischer Rats in an Elevated Plus Maze

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Taryn Pittman Psychology Sara Bond Psychology Kelly Brice Psychology Tracy Centanni Psychology Logun Gunderson Psychology Ken Leising Psychology Cokie Nerz Psychology
Advisor(s): Kenneth Leising Psychology
Location: Second Floor, Table 1, Position 1, 1:45-3:45

Cannabidiol (CBD) has been found to have anxiolytic effects on behavior when injected (Blessing et al, 2015). In Experiment 1, we investigated whether we could replicate these findings in rats using acute voluntary oral consumption of non-pharmaceutical grade CBD oil at 60mg/kg in Long-Evans rats, with a control group consuming coconut oil (COC). A test was given two hours after consumption to observe any anxiolytic effect of CBD using an elevated plus maze. It was hypothesized that CBD rats would spend more time in the open arms of the elevated plus maze than the control group; however, results revealed that there was no difference between groups. Experiment 2 utilized Fischer rats as subjects to observe the difference in anxiolytic behaviors of TgF344-AD and wild-type (WT) rats and determine if our previous test apparatus was a sufficient measure of anxiety. Previous research has found that AD rats spent less time in the open arms of an elevated plus maze than WT counterparts (Pentkowski et al., 2018). There was no significant difference between the WT and AD rats; however, there was a significant difference between the Fischer rats (WT and AD) and Long-Evans rats (CBD and COC) with the Long-Evans rats spending more time in the open arms than the Fischer rats. Results will be discussed regarding possible factors for finding similar behavior across rats.

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Development of the Opioid-Treatment Linkage Model Resource Guide to Strengthen Parole Officers’ Role in Promoting Linkage to Community Services for Individuals Involved in the Justice System

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Brooke Preston Psychology Jennifer Lux Psychology Amanda Wiese Psychology Chelsea Wood Psychology
Advisor(s): Jennifer Becan Psychology
Location: Basement, Table 11, Position 1, 1:45-3:45

Development of the Opioid-Treatment Linkage Model Resource Guide to Strengthen Parole Officers’ Role in Promoting Linkage to Community Services for Individuals Involved in the Justice System

Brooke Preston, Jennifer Becan, PhD, Jennifer Lux, PhD, Chelsea Wood, MPH, Amanda L. Wiese, MS, Kevin Knight, PhD

As funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) seeks to improve health outcomes for individuals who are at risk for using opioids upon release from correctional facilities. Specifically, JCOIN aims to increase linkage and receipt of community substance use and medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) treatment within 18 communities across Texas, New Mexico, and Illinois. This system-level initiative will leverage and facilitate cooperation between community corrections staff and community-based treatment providers by providing training on innovative and best practices and service provider lists. Specifically, the Opioid-Treatment Linkage Model (O-TLM) Resource Guide is being designed to help provide parole officers knowledge of the Behavioral Health Services Cascade, which outlines the process of screening, assessment, and referral to health providers, and the treatment that clients undergo. The O-TLM Resource Guide includes information on evidence-based practices and resources that will aid parole officers in more effectively guiding their clients through each step of the services cascade. Additionally, local community provider lists and maps are being created to increase parole officers’ awareness of screening, assessment, and treatment facilities within their community. The list includes a comprehensive catalogue of providers, the services they offer, and their contact information. These guides will hopefully make it easier for parole officers to more actively link clients to community substance use and MOUD services that match the specific client needs.

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Lionizing Those who Agree and Demonizing Those who Disagree: Effects on Attitude Extremity

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Carlos Rebollar Psychology Kaleigh Decker Psychology Charles Lord Psychology
Advisor(s): Charles Lord Psychology
Location: Basement, Table 5, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

Past research has shown that merely thinking about an attitude object can result in self-generated attitude polarization (Tesser, 1978). The current study examined the effects of a specific type of thought—extrapolating traits about proponents and opponents of a social issue—on participants’ post-manipulation attitudes. Participants completed an online survey in which they either extrapolated traits about people who support or oppose legalized abortions, or listed synonyms of experimenter-provided personality traits. Participants who extrapolated reported more positive attitudes towards those who agreed and more negative attitudes toward those who disagreed with the participant’s position on abortion than participants who wrote synonyms. Additionally, extremity of extrapolated traits predicted more positive (negative) post-manipulation attitudes towards those who agreed (disagreed) with the participant’s position on abortion. Our findings extended past research on mere thought by offering new insights into a specific thought strategy that can lead to attitude polarization.

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Molding Melanin Magic Mentorship Program

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Kayla Thomas Psychology
Advisor(s): Casey Call Psychology
Location: Basement, Table 7, Position 1, 1:45-3:45

Historically women and minorities have been underrepresented in the STEM field. What about individuals who identify as minority women? Their representation in the STEM field is even less than that of White women or minority men. How do we change this phenomenon and increase diversity in the STEM field? This is the question many leaders face every day when trying to increase diversity in their STEM oriented companies, college programs, and departments. Previous research has shown that enrichment programs that help “bridge the gap” between the majority and minority in the STEM field can be beneficial to minority individuals' pursuing a career in this area. (Brown et al., 2020). One aspect that contributes to the pursuance and retention of minority individuals in the STEM field is mentorship. The goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of mentorship on female minority high school students that wish to pursue a career in the STEM field. This topic is important to examine because it can help contribute to data on how to diversify the STEM field by targeting students in high school who wish to pursue STEM degrees in college. The mentorship program in this study helps prepare students to pursue STEM degrees in college by pairing them with a mentor who is currently a minority female in college pursuing a STEM degree and addressing topics such as college applications, resume building, mental health, time management, and navigating STEM classes in college. A series of pre-, during-, and post- surveys were administered via Qualtrics during the mentor program in the 2021/2022 academic school year. The surveys assessed participants' attitudes and feelings toward college, their knowledge and understanding of essential things needed to complete a college application, and if they were able to foster a meaningful relationship with their mentor.

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Evaluating Class Reorganization in Equivalence-Based Instruction

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Michael Tomlinson Psychology Juliana Sequeira Cesar de Oliveira Psychology
Advisor(s): Anna Petursdottir Psychology
Location: Third Floor, Table 10, Position 1, 11:30-1:30

The purpose of the present study was to extend previous studies in our lab that evaluated the stability of classes of stimuli that were learned through Equivalence-based instruction (EBI) and Complete Instruction (CI) procedures. Sixty undergraduate students received training to establish three stimulus classes with four members in each class. The students were randomly assigned to two groups: EBI – in which they received training for some of the relations – and CI – that targeted all possible relations between the members of each class. After undergoing training and equivalence test (Phase 1), participants received contingency reorganization training (Phase 2). In the reorganization phase, new relations between stimuli were established as correct. Stability was evaluated in an immediate contingency-reversal post-test. Overall, there was no statistical difference between EBI and CI groups. Participants made more errors in trials that tested derived changed relations than in trials that tested derived unchanged relations between stimuli.

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Examining Parental Alcohol Use, Gender and Peer Relationships as Predictors of Substance Use Severity

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Addison Williams Psychology Vinisha Inaganti Psychology Jen Pankow Psychology Brooke Preston Psychology Stephanie Villaire Psychology Kha Hoai Boa Vu Psychology Amanda Weise Psychology
Advisor(s): Jennifer Pankow Psychology
Location: First Floor, Table 6, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

Examining Parental Alcohol Use, Gender, and Peer Relationships as Predictors of Substance Use Severity
Vinisha Inaganti, Brooke Preston, Kha Hoai Bao Vu, Addison Williams

In the United States, issues with substance use among adolescents has grown in its prevalence, and past research has shown a continuity in substance use amongst children with substance involved parents. In adolescence, young men tend to report higher rates of alcohol use when compared to young women. As such, we were interested in examining gender as a moderating factor on the relationship between parental alcohol use and substance use severity. Amazon’s MTurk was used to recruit 185 participants with a history of substance use to complete a series of surveys. Participants reported parental alcohol use during childhood and involvement with pro-social peers. Results revealed gender did not moderate the relationship between parental substance use and respondents’ self-reported substance use. However, there were strong correlations among substance use severity, parental alcohol use, and involvement with pro-social peers. Specifically, respondents who were the child of a mother who experienced problems with alcohol were 3.12 time more likely to have a severe SUD. This effect was not observed when paternal alcohol use was examined as a predictor of substance use severity (p = .651). Respondents involved with pro-social peers are less likely to have a severe substance use disorder (p < .001). Together, children whose mothers struggled with alcohol use were more likely to develop a severe substance use disorder. In contrast, having a father who struggled with alcohol use did not affect respondents’ involvement with substance use. Furthermore, having a peer support system reduces subsequent substance use, regardless of parental alcohol use.

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A question of where: differential diets, growth rates, and survival of captive-bred hatchling Texas horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum) reintroduced at separate locations in central Texas.

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Rachel Alenius-Thalhuber Biology
Advisor(s): Dean Williams Biology
Location: Zoom Room 6, 01:42 PM

The reintroduction of captive-bred animals has been increasingly utilized for the conservation of many species. However, few studies have focused on the importance of environmental factors and resource availability in the success of wildlife reintroductions. The goal of this study was to see if location influences the short-term reintroduction success of captive-bred Texas horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum). Specifically, I monitored diets, growth rates, and survival of over 250 lizards reintroduced to 2 locations in Mason Mountain Wildlife Management Area (Mason County, TX) for 3 months. Diet, growth rates, and survival all differed between the two locations. The findings of this study suggest that environmental factors can play an important role in the reintroduction success of Texas horned lizards. Future research will focus on identifying specific habitat characteristics that may contribute to the observations of this study such as prey availability, vegetation, thermal habitat quality, and soil permeability.

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Mechanisms of Zinc Oxide Antibacterial Activity in Staphylococcus aureus

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Iman Ali Biology Alex Caron Biology John Reeks Physics & Astronomy
Advisor(s): Shauna McGillivray Biology Yuri Strzhemechny Physics & Astronomy
Location: Zoom Room 3, 03:11 PM

Antibiotic resistance has been increasing rapidly; however, the amount of new and effective antibiotics is declining. One area of growing interest is the use of metal nanoparticles because they are relatively easy to make and can be synthesized into different shapes, sizes, and with various chemical properties. In particular, zinc oxide nanoparticles have shown to be effective against various bacterial strains; however, the mechanism that zinc oxide utilizes to exhibit its antimicrobial activity is still unknown. It is also not clear what properties of zinc oxide such as size or proximity to bacterial cells are critical for its antimicrobial activity. In order to gain a better understanding of the mechanism behind zinc oxide’s antimicrobial activity, we tested Staphylococcus aureus with various zinc oxide particles under different conditions. Specifically, we looked at whether particle size, contact with bacterial cells, and media type influenced antimicrobial activity. Our results suggest that particle size does not influence zinc oxide activity, but media type significantly impacts antimicrobial activity. Physical contact, although more effective, is not absolutely required to see inhibition of bacterial growth. Understanding the mechanisms that zinc oxide utilizes may guide design for future particles that will improve their effectiveness.

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The Effects of Novel Antioxidant Treatment on Microglial Cell Function in BV2 Cells

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Carly Alley Biology Paige Braden Psychology Caroline O'Connor Biology Margaret Vo Biology
Advisor(s): Michael Chumley Biology Kayla Green Chemistry & Biochemistry
Location: Zoom Room 5, 12:46 PM

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that is projected to affect almost 14 million American adults by the year 2050. While the prevalence of this detrimental disease is rapidly increasing in the United States, researchers have established the key pathologies connected to AD, including the development of extracellular, amyloid beta (Aβ) plaques, and intracellular, hyperphosphorylated, neurofibrillary tau tangles. Overall, AD engenders general atrophy of the brain and damage to key brain regions including the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, the main brain region responsible for the neural mechanisms of learning and memory. AD pathologies develop in these regions, which commonly results in neuronal death. The presence of AD pathologies, such as Aβ, activates microglial cells in the brain. Glial cells are the most common brain cells that provide support to neurons. Microglia specifically serve as resident immune cells in the brain, clearing cellular debris, such as dead neurons. Therefore, microglia play a key role in the progression of several neurodegenerative diseases. The activation of microglial cells results in an increased secretion of effector proteins, known as pro-inflammatory cytokines. These are released when inflammatory agents, such as Aβ, are present in the brain. Microglial cells commonly produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α. Although microglial activation is advantageous at first, continual activation of microglial cells results in a constant inflammatory state. Chronic inflammation can lead to detrimental tissue damage that plays a vital role in neurodegeneration. Another key AD pathology, oxidative stress, is connected to chronic inflammation. Oxidative stress develops when the antioxidant system is unbalanced, resulting in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The presence of inflammatory agents and ROS have the potential to activate microglial cells. Accordingly, our lab utilizes microglial cells to study the harmful effects of inflammation on the brain. Dr. Kayla Green’s lab in the TCU Chemistry Department has successfully created compounds that act as potent antioxidants, L2 and L4. We collaborate with Dr. Green’s lab to research the possible rescue effects of L2 and L4 against inflammation in immortalized, BV2 microglial cells. In our lab’s previous research, we have demonstrated that both L2 and L4 have the capacity to rescue BV2 cells and increase cell survival during oxidative stress. Moreover, the main purpose of the current experiment is to further study the effects of these compounds against key AD pathologies, to understand their therapeutic potential against inflammation in vitro. In the current experiments, we utilized lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an element from the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria, to induce an inflammatory response in BV2 cells. First, we determined several timepoints and concentrations in which LPS treatment successfully induced the secretion of TNF-alpha. Next, we pre-treated cells with the compound, L4, for one hour prior to LPS treatment, to study the possible rescue effects of the drug against pro-inflammatory cytokine production. We are currently determining which concentration of L4 is the most therapeutic against pro-inflammatory cytokine production in BV2 cells.

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Type: Graduate
Author(s): Austin Bryant Biology Marlo Jeffries Biology
Advisor(s): Marlo Jeffries Biology
Location: Zoom Room 4, 01:02 PM

Changes in thyroid hormones levels have been associated with alterations in somatic development and growth. However, recent studies have shown that alterations in thyroid hormone levels during early life stage (ELS) development can lead to long-term changes in reproduction. Specifically, fathead minnows that have been exposed to propylthiouracil (PTU) experienced a 50% reduction in fecundity. The purpose of this study was to determine if ELS thyroid disruption led to an alteration of reproductive behaviors in male fathead minnows. To accomplish this, larval fathead minnows were exposed to PTU and reproductive behaviors were quantified. Results showed that PTU-exposed fish demonstrated significantly fewer reproductive behaviors than those in the control group. This data provides an explanation for the previously observed 50% decrease in fecundity in the fathead minnows exposed to PTU and provides further evidence that ELS thyroid disruption can interfere with the display of key and ecologically-relevant behaviors later in life.

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Comparative genomics of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): are genes associated with migration conserved among populations?

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Catherine Clare Biology
Advisor(s): Matthew Hale Biology
Location: Zoom Room 1, 01:26 PM

The rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, is a partially migratory organism, that has been used recently to study the genetic control of migration. Much of this research has taken place at a unique site in Sashin Creek, Alaska, where the resident O. mykiss population is completely isolated from the migratory population. However, it is unknown the extent to which findings here are shared with other populations. Here we used a fine-scale genome-wide sequencing approach known as pooled sequencing to gather genetic data from 174 fish in two locations – Sashin Creek, Alaska and Little Sheep Creek, Oregon. Four sequenced pools were developed based on phenotype and population. We then measured differentiation between the populations to identify regions that may be correlated with the resident or migratory phenotype in both populations. We were able to locate 8 genes in 16 regions of shared elevated FST, and 17 genes over 16 regions with a significant Tajima’s D value that were specific to either the migratory or resident phenotype. These findings indicate specific genes and chromosomal regions that may be important in the regulation of migratory tendency in this species.

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Shoreline Spiders as Sentinels of Mercury Contamination of the Trinity River

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Michael Hembrough Biology Matt Chumchael Biology Ray Drenner Biology Simon Gaul Biology Maddy Hannappel Biology Ian Rolfe Biology
Advisor(s): Ray Drenner Biology Matt Chumchal Biology
Location: Zoom Room 2, 12:54 PM

Mercury (Hg) is found in the environment in excess of historic baselines throughout the globe because of widespread atmospheric emissions of inorganic mercury (IHg) from anthropogenic sources such as coal-fired power plants and artisanal gold mines. In aquatic ecosystems, Ihg deposited from the atmosphere is converted by bacteria to methylmercury (MeHg), a bioavailable neurotoxin that adversely affects the health of vertebrates including humans and wildlife. Because IHg deposition varies across the landscape, it is necessary to monitor MeHg levels in aquatic food webs of individual waterbodies. This is a challenge because there are millions of river miles and lakes in the U.S. Shoreline spiders that feed on MeHg-contaminated emergent aquatic insects have been proposed as sentinel species to monitor MeHg contamination. Sentinel species are species which serve to map the bioavailable fraction of pollution in an ecosystem by retaining the pollutants in their tissue. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that shoreline spiders can be used as sentinels to evaluate MeHg contamination of river food webs. Our study focused on the Clear and West forks of the Trinity River. A pilot study in 2016 indicated the two forks have different levels of MeHg contamination. From June to August 2019, we collected over 1000 long-jawed orb weaver spiders (Tetragnathidae) along the shorelines of the two forks of the river. Spiders were preserved in 95% ethanol and sorted by leg length into different size categories. Mercury was analyzed using direct Hg analysis. Concentrations of Hg in spiders increased with spider size and was higher in the Clear Fork than the West Fork. A follow up study confirmed that fish in the Clear Fork had higher concentrations of MeHg than in the West Fork. This is one of the first studies to demonstrate that shoreline spiders can be used as sentinels of MeHg contamination in river ecosystems.

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Use of DNA Barcoding to Distinguish Between Morphologically Similar Red Bats

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Jacob James Biology
Advisor(s): Amanda Hale Biology Dean Williams Biology
Location: Zoom Room 6, 01:58 PM

Across North America, bats are being killed in large numbers at wind energy facilities and there is concern that this level of mortality threatens bat populations. Currently three species of migratory tree bats, including two Lasiurus species, comprise ~75% of all known fatalities; however, as wind energy development expands into new areas (e.g., the southwestern U.S.) there is the potential for new species to be impacted. Ongoing work in our labs has indicated that that our current understanding of the distribution of Lasiurus species across North America is limited, at best, and that more species are impacted by wind energy development than previously thought. Accurate knowledge about which species are being impacted where, and to what extent, will greatly improve the implementation of effective mitigation strategies. We obtained 19 bat fecal samples from wild-caught Lasiurus bats from a study being conducted at Texas State University to improve the species-specific effectiveness of an ultrasonic acoustic deterrent (UAD) at deterring bats from approaching operational wind turbines. Based on morphology, these wild-caught bats were identified as eastern red bats (L. borealis), but it is possible that some of the individuals were western red bats (L. blossevillii). We extracted DNA from the bat fecal samples and amplified the COI mitochondrial gene to determine the correct species identification for each sample. The final sequencing reactions are underway, and the results will be available soon. These data will improve the accuracy of the results from the flight cage study at Texas State University and will contribute to improving strategies to reduce bat fatalities at wind energy facilities.

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Assessing Genetic Diversity in Northern Yellow Bats Killed at Wind Energy Facilities

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Jack Joyce Biology
Advisor(s): Amanda Hale Biology Dean Williams Biology
Location: Zoom Room 6, 02:39 PM

Although wind energy facilities are a growing source of renewable, clean energy, they have been shown to contribute to increasing bat mortalities which could threaten the persistence of bat populations. This study aims to expand what we know about the biology and behavior of bat species impacted by wind energy development. Recent research has indicated that yellow bats (Lasiurus spp) are killed at wind energy facilities in the Rio Grande Valley of south Texas. We have limited understanding of the population biology or movement patterns in these species, so the extent to which wind turbine mortality may impact these bats is currently unknown. As part of ongoing research in our labs, I extracted DNA from 18 tissue samples collected from northern yellow bats (Lasiurus intermedius) at a wind energy facility in Willacy county, Texas in 2015. I amplified a region of the mtDNA, the COI locus, and will compare genetic diversity of these samples to a larger data set from wind energy facilities in nearby Starr and Hidalgo Counties that were studied in 2016 and 2017. Together, these datasets will improve our understanding of Lasiurus intermedius genetic diversity and population structure, and have the potential to provide much needed insights into the potential impacts of wind energy development on bats in southern North America.

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