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Using GIS to Determine Emergency Department and Treatment Center Proximity to Opioid Hot Spots in Tarrant County

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Naomi Alanis Interdisciplinary
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 1, Position 2, 11:30-1:30

As opioid overdose deaths in the United States (US) continue to increase, there is an emergent need to treat those with opioid use disorder (OUD). Understanding geographic variations and their impact on different population groups in the US is now more essential than ever. Significant surges in the usage and misuse of street drugs such as heroin and fentanyl, followed by a corresponding increase in opioid-related deaths, have heightened the urgency for this understanding.

Although characteristics of US counties with persistently high rates of opioid overdose mortality and low capacity to deliver OUD medications has been identified, the counties were aggregated into regions within the US and no one specific county has been targeted. Having comprehensive data on OUD prevalence rates across Tarrant County and/or Texas would be beneficial. Current research regarding spatial associations between place features, neighborhood-level social determinants of health measures, and drug overdose deaths is limited in the realm of drug use and opioid overdose fatalities. Recognizing high-risk areas and features (hot spots) could potentially enhance the quality of the emergency department response, harm reduction services, and the precision of treatment and prevention strategies.

Identifying hot spots of opioid-related emergency needs within Tarrant County may help [re]distribute existing resources efficiently, empower community and Emergency Department (ED) based physicians to advocate for their patients, and serve as a catalyst for partnerships between John Peter Smith Hospital System (JPS) and local community groups. More broadly, this analysis may demonstrate that EDs can use geospatial analysis to address the emergency and longer-term health needs of the communities they are designed to serve.

The goal of this project is to 1) identify spatial associations between place features, neighborhood-level social determinants of health measures, and opioid drug overdose deaths (i.e., high-risk/hot spot areas) and 2) compare them to access to treatment providers (i.e., emergency departments, emergency services, and harm reduction services) to identify geographic areas where the two are not well matched.

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Assessing Urban Heat Island Intensity Using Landsat Data

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Daniel Ayejoto Environmental Sciences
Advisor(s): Gebremichael Esayas Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 6, Position 3, 11:30-1:30

The escalating impacts of urbanization on local climate patterns, particularly the phenomenon of Urban Heat Islands (UHIs), necessitate effective monitoring and assessment strategies. This project endeavors to evaluate the Urban Heat Island intensity in Houston, Texas, employing Landsat satellite data and Geographic Information System (GIS) tools within the ArcGIS Pro platform. The study integrates multi-temporal Landsat imagery to derive land surface temperature patterns, facilitating a comprehensive analysis of UHI dynamics over time. Spatial analytics and geospatial techniques are employed to assess the correlation between land use/land cover changes and UHI intensity, offering insights into the factors influencing urban heat dynamics. The results are expected to contribute valuable insights for urban planners and policymakers, aiding in the development of strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of UHI and enhance overall urban sustainability. Additionally, the methodology established in this project can serve as a template for assessing UHI in other urban areas, fostering a broader understanding of the urban climate dynamics.

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Sedimentation & Subsurface Characterization of the Lower Cretaceous Muddy Sandstone & Upper Cretaceous Mowry Shale, Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Chase Chavez Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Xiangyang Xie Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 12, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

Foreland basins comprise some of the most prolific hydrocarbon producing reservoirs and source rocks in the North American Rocky Mountain region. One of these major producing basins is the Powder River Basin (PRB). Located in northeastern Wyoming and extending into southeastern Montana, the PRB is one of Wyoming’s largest and most active hydrocarbon producing basins. The basin comprises various Mesozoic and Paleozoic strata with productive conventional and unconventional plays. Various studies have been done on both Mesozoic and Paleozoic stratigraphy within the basin. Historically, Cretaceous stratigraphy has been well studied and documented within the basin. However, continual industry innovations in the collection, development, and processing of subsurface geological data are making possible more refined understanding of Cretaceous stratigraphy in the basin.

This study focuses on the upper Lower Cretaceous Muddy Sandstone Formation and lower Upper Cretaceous Mowry Shale intervals at basin scale, and the implications for tectonic and eustatic evolution prior to the development of the PRB. Which controlled sedimentation, infilling, and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) weight percentage distributions of the two formations. There is a general agreement that the Mowry can be divided into upper, middle, and lower sections. The middle section has been found to contain the highest TOC percentages based on prior work done with geochemical analysis. This study will update these findings with newly collected digital well data and produce higher-density regional basin coverage with type wells, while also utilizing petrophysical calculation methods to determine TOC percentages to compare with current geochemical analysis.

The Muddy being an older conventional reservoir and the Mowry a more recent unconventional play, the collection and utilization of digitized well log data from Enverus Prism with Petrel Software, in conjunction with analysis of in-house core, provides an effective approach for producing refined structure, isochore, net sand, and TOC maps for the basin. This information can then be used in generating interpretations of sedimentation history, basin infilling, and TOC distribution. In addition, published type wells with correlated Paleozoic stratigraphy from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) are being used to generate PRB subsidence curves for multiple well locations throughout the basin to compare with maps and figures produced in Petrel. To further enhance sedimentation interpretations, U-Pb detrital zircon analysis is being conducted on the Muddy Formation sandstones collected from core. This data will be compared with published detrital zircon and subsidence work done in the western neighboring Big Horn Basin and its equivalent Muddy Formation interval.

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Tracking Soil Organic Carbon in an Urban Farm Near the Trinity River

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Julie Crenwelge Geological Sciences Christelle Fayad Interdisciplinary
Advisor(s): Omar Harvey Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 5, Position 2, 11:30-1:30

Carbon is the elemental foundation for all living things on Earth. Soil carbon sequestration is a process in which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and stored in the soil. We want to examine the soil quality and the stability of carbon in an urban farm in North Texas by comparing measurements collected in October 2022 against measurements observed and collected in October 2023. Our research question is, “What is the effect of composting on the carbon quality and quantity at the farm?” The experimental points were chosen for comparison from a previous evaluation of a 1/3-acre section of a local urban farm next to the Trinity River in Fort Worth, Texas. We collected bulk soil samples at 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm depths from ten field points previously tested with an additional 3 new control points. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) will be used to determine carbon quality by analyzing derivative weights change plots. The data collected suggests that within a year the experimental farm site has maintained a good quality of soil with minor acidification and compaction, as well as an increase in level and quality of carbon. The observed farm remains an appropriate site for providing food security, eliminating food waste while simultaneously sequestering carbon.

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Using Spatial Analysis to Identify Patterns in Reptilian Dermal Ornamentation

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Sarah Foxx Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences Arthur Busbey Geological Sciences
Location: First Floor, Table 5, Position 1, 11:30-1:30

The dermal ornamentation of reptiles and lower vertebrates is a largely untouched field of research, and thus common patterns or a specific purpose for the ornamentation has yet to be identified and/or agreed upon by paleontologists. This study strives to use various spatial and image analysis techniques to identify any patterns in the ornamentation on the skulls of both ‘lower’ vertebrate captorhinids and modern crocodilians to better understand the purpose of such ornamentation and why it has persisted from lower vertebrates to modern-day reptiles. Any information that can be derived from the research may aid modern understanding of the evolution from lower vertebrates to modern reptiles.

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GIS in Precision Agriculture

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Will Hayes Geological Sciences James Hufham Environmental Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences Jason Faubion Ranch Management
Location: Second Floor, Table 4, Position 3, 1:45-3:45

Today’s farmers must grasp a wide range of topics beyond just planting, including soil composition, weed management, nutrient requirements, weather patterns, pest control, disease prevention, equipment use, and climate considerations. Precision agriculture, a tool that allows for the visualization of data in an agricultural view to help ranchers better understand their land and how to best supply resources to their land, can be a tool to increase efficiency and production to the agricultural industry as a whole. Precision agriculture can help farmers “more precisely determine what inputs to put exactly where and with what quantities.”(GIS lounge para. 3). In this proposal we plan to demonstrate how precision agriculture with the use of Landsat satellites analyzes the greenness of vegetation using indices like the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Using these tools we can use drones to collect plant height and plant count, biomass estimates, the presence of diseases and weeds, plant health and field nutrients, as well as 3D elevation and volumetric data.

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Facies Characterization of the De Grey River's Delta Plain

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Henry Henk Geological Sciences Jacinto Garza Geological Sciences Matt Kelly Geological Sciences Mackenzie Moorhead Geological Sciences Tripp Smith Geological Sciences Andrew Winch Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): John Holbrook Geological Sciences Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences Simon Lang Geological Sciences Victorien Paumard Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 6, Position 1, 11:30-1:30

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Fluvial Architecture and Longitudinal Variance within the Castlegate Sandstone, Book Cliffs, UT

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Brayton Keith Geological Sciences John Holbrook Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): John Holbrook Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 11, Position 2, 11:30-1:30

The upper Campanian Castlegate Sandstone in the Book Cliffs of Utah is a highly amalgamated fluvial sandstone well known as a reservoir analog for oil and gas. It comprises the lower Castlegate, the formation capping Bluecastle Tongue, and the floodplain-rich middle Castlegate deposits. The Castlegate is among the most studied fluvial deposits in the world. Despite this, there has yet to be a fluvial architecture analysis completed for these deposits which consider the longitudinal variance within the Castlegate fluvial system. This project assesses the average channel depth and discharge for the lower Castlegate, allowing analysis of the relationship between channel depth and discharge and their effect on facies distribution, depositional style and fluvial architecture in the outcrops. The lower Castlegate Sandstone is a tributary fluvial system with paleocurrents oriented primarily W-NW to E-SE comprised of stacked braided fluvial sands updip, and large, higher flow straight-meandering trunk channels downdip. Distal outcrops show three distinct depositional styles with the first representing a period of highstand during which carbonaceous floodplain and small channels of 0.5-1 m in depth and maximum 4 m in width were deposited; the second represents a localized tectonic uplift with large channels of ~15 m in width and depth and lateral accretion sets scaled accordingly, and finally the capping units of small amalgamated sands composed of classic braided style channels which represent a period of lowstand.

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Insights into Sediment Transport in the DeGrey River Delta: Cyclonic Influences and Bedform Persistence

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Matthew Kelly Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences John Holbrook Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 15, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

This study characterizes the sediment transport dynamics of the fluvial portion of the DeGrey River delta, a dryland tide/wave-dominated delta along the Pilbara coast of northwestern Australia. The primary focus lies in the discernment of discrete deposits resulting from annual flood events in this ephemeral river, primarily driven by cyclones and tropical depressions during the austral summer.

Methodology combines water discharge data, digital elevation models (DEM), and Sentinel-2 change detection to model flow depth and flooding extent during storm events, linking it to riverbed shear stress and the formation of discrete flood deposits. A time series of DEM datasets, consisting of a 1-m aerial survey (2021) and drone photogrammetry surveys (2022 and 2023) were used to generate differential DEMs to accurately detect yearly morphological changes within the river channel. Field surveys of selected sites indicating presence of flood deposits enabled characterization of grain size, water flow, and structural elements.

Cyclone floods in the region cause propagation of preexisting dunes, unit bars, and compound bars. These events predominantly shape lower-flow-regime structures within medium-grained sand. Unit bars exhibit down-climbing cross-stratified sets, with variations in thickness contingent on their location within the channel ranging from 0.4-1.6 meters. Lower-flow-regime bar and bedform morphology persists and propagates between flows, despite the occurrence of intense flash floods, often generating discharges in excess of 100,000 ML/day. This challenges conventional expectations of channel excavation and the preservation of upper-flow-regime bedforms in the wake of such extreme events.

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Proximity to Major Water Sources and its Effect on Population Density in Texas

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Wilson Kelsey Environmental Sciences Nicole Kiczek Environmental Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: First Floor, Table 6, Position 1, 11:30-1:30

Surface water plays a critical role in meeting Texas’s water demands, particularly for municipal use. In the State of Texas, there are 188 major water reservoirs, 15 major river basins, and 8 coastal basins. These water sources serve as the lifeline of Texas’ urban and agricultural populations. In our study, we will be examining how proximity to these sources affects development, particularly focusing on population density to determine the type of population (urban or agricultural). Our findings have the potential to provide insights that can inform city water departments near major water resources with high population density and aid with water demand and scarcity management.

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Trends in Energy Consumption and Production by Source with Population Growth

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Kenna Mollendor Environmental Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: Third Floor, Table 2, Position 2, 11:30-1:30

This study investigates the intricate relationship between population growth and energy demand, aiming to identify trends and patterns that inform future energy planning. Through comprehensive analysis, utilizing data spanning geographical regions of the US and the period 2000-2021, the study assesses the impact of population growth on energy consumption. Data from the US Energy Information Administration will be utilized for electricity and energy data, while data from the US Census will be used for population data. The analysis will focus on examining how population changes affect energy demand, and conversely, how changes in energy demand influence the sources from which energy is produced. This analysis aims to provide insights into predicting future energy usage, production sources, and demand patterns as the population continues to grow. The findings underscore the pressing need for sustainable energy solutions as the population continues to increase, providing valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders to navigate the complexities of energy planning and management.

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How molecules in soil composition can determine climate resilience

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Isabella Moreno Environmental Sciences Tabby Pyle Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Omar Harvey Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 7, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

Global climate change, due to increases in greenhouse gas emissions, is a prevailing issue that is projected to continue with heightened impacts on extreme weather events, desertification, and human health. Our project draws connections between resilience to climate change and the molecular composition of organic molecules found in soil.

Through assessments of the carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) content and composition of organic molecules in soils can be determined. Specifically, through assessments of C-number (Cn), H/C and O/C ratios of organic molecules, we can determine how well different soils and soil types can sequester carbon and ultimately support climate resiliency. Higher Cn in organic molecules indicate more carbon storage capacity while lower O/C and H/C ratios in organic molecules indicate more stable carbon that is resistant to release as CO2 to the atmosphere. Our research will compare Cn, O/C and H/C data of organic molecules in soils from across the United States to identify possible trends in carbon sequestration potential across regions of the conterminous US.

The data to be used is raw Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) data from the “One thousand soils for molecular understanding of belowground carbon cycling” project (Bowman et al.). We first plotted the soil samples on Van Krevelen diagrams, which visualize each molecule as a point with O.C and H.C ratios, and we made frequency distributions to understand the largest organic molecular formula for each sample. We then plotted the maximum organic formula from each soil onto a new Van Krevelen diagram, where we compared the different samples to see which ones had higher overall carbon content. We hope to find a connection between soil composition and U.S. regions from which we will then make predictions on potential for carbon sequestration and, ultimately, the ability of these regions to remain resilient and sequester carbon during climate change.

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Microscopic Studies of Ancient, Potentially Rift-Related Plutonic Igneous Rocks in Colorado

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Isabella Nino Geological Sciences Richard Hanson Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Richard Hanson Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 2, Position 3, 11:30-1:30

The regional geological framework of the area I am studying involves a possible major northwest-trending Cambrian to Ordovician rift zone with abundant igneous rocks in parts of Colorado. These igneous rocks may be related to large volumes of Cambrian igneous rocks located along the same trend in southern Oklahoma. My project focuses on plutonic igneous intrusions located in the Wet Mountains in the southern part of the Front Range and in the Powderhorn District farther west. The goal of this project is to discover whether the rocks in Colorado formed during the same major magmatic event as those in Oklahoma. I will be studying thin sections of rock samples from Colorado utilizing a petrographic microscope. I will describe and identify the main igneous minerals from the samples, some of which are rare. I will also study the igneous textures and alteration products in the samples. Geochemical studies in progress will build on these results and will allow detailed comparison with the southern Oklahoma igneous rocks.

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Type: Graduate
Author(s): Payton OBrian Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Richard Denne Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 12, Position 2, 11:30-1:30

The Eagle Ford Shale (EFS) is an unconventional Cretaceous play producing crude oil and gas extending from northeast Leon County to the Mexico-American border in Southwest Texas. This Cenomanian -Turonian formation records the drowning of the Texas carbonate shelf and transgression of the Western Interior Seaway (WIS) into North America. Regional depositional patterns were affected by a series of changes in tectonic activity and eustatic sea level. The formation recorded a distinct change in oceanography during the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) between the lower and upper EFS sections. The Boquillas Formation, age equivalent to the EFS, is found west of the producing region in Big Bend State and National Park. Outcrops of the EFS can be found along the Ouachita orogen and in the Big Bend region due to tilting during the Laramide orogeny and intrusive igneous activity. The largest known EFS equivalent outcrops have been found within the state park, however, no data had been collected in these locations. Evaluation of the geochemical properties and redox indicators of the depositional environment is essential to understanding the potential for hydrocarbons. The main method to acquire this data has been through the X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF). For this study I have utilized two handheld analyzers, the XRF along with the Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometer (LIBS) for outcrop and core samples. Using both methods produces a more complete element suite including light elements not offered by XRF alone. Additionally, comparing LIBS data to the widely used XRF analyzer allows me to determine the practical usage of LIBS in petroleum geology.

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Binding Dynamics of Mono- and Di-carboxylates in a Boehmite-Bayerite Series: A Flow-Adsorption Microcalorimetry Study

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Caitlin Payblas Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Omar Harvey Geological Sciences
Location: Third Floor, Table 6, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

It is well documented that the major sorbents in soils are organic matter, silicate clays, and metal-oxyhydroxides. In particular, interactions between organic matter and fine-grained minerals, such as aluminum oxides, have been cited as important stabilizers of the humic matter in soils, which has large implications for the storage of anthropogenic carbon and pollutants (i.e., hydrophobic organic acids) in the environment (Keil and Mayer 2014). Utilizing simple organic acids containing functional groups present in humic compounds enhances understanding of metal-hydroxide and organic acid interactions at the mineral-water interface. The energetics of these interactions largely depend on the sorbate, the physico-chemical characteristics of the sorbent, and solution conditions (e.g. pH).
Ongoing work in our lab, using flow-adsorption microcalorimetry (FAMC) to directly and systematically measure energy dynamics of sorption at the oxide-water interface indicated that structural water in the lattices of boehmite and boehmite-bayerite mixed-phased samples increased binding energetics of acetate, propionate and butyrate at pH 5. The presentation will cover energy dynamics data collected for these mono-carboxylates and their respective di-carboxylate counterparts (oxalate, malonate, and succinate) binding onto a series of synthesized boehmites and bayerites. Focus will be placed on resolving effects of carboxylate carbon chain length, the number and acidity of carboxylates, and aluminum oxide surface properties on binding dynamics.

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Microscopic Studies of Ancient Igneous Dikes in the Front Range of Colorado

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Caleb Perkey Geological Sciences Richard Hanson Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Richard Hanson Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 9, Position 2, 11:30-1:30

A major Cambrian rift zone containing abundant igneous rocks is present in southern Oklahoma and trends northwest from the ancient continental margin. Previous geologists have mapped numerous igneous intrusions in Colorado that follow the same trend, ranging from Cambrian to Ordovician in age, and have speculated that these intrusions may be a part of the same rift. These intrusions include abundant igneous dikes of various compositions that originated from deeper magmatic bodies, filling fracture systems in older igneous rocks and Precambrian gneisses. This study involves the microscopic analysis of samples we collected from different dike types, including diabase, trachyte, and lamprophyre. Diabase is a common intrusive basaltic rock that develops coarser grains due to slower cooling and represents partial melt from the mantle that fills fractures in the upper crust. For our samples, trachyte refers to igneous dikes containing large crystals of K-feldspar within a distinctive red-colored, fine-grained matrix. Magmas of this composition are typically associated with intraplate rift zones. Lamprophyre is a rare intrusive igneous rock that has large crystals of biotite and amphibole in a finer matrix of feldspar and mafic minerals. While rare, this rock is also associated with intraplate rift zones. We also sampled one significantly younger basalt dike that intrudes Cenozoic volcanic rock to compare with the much older diabase dike samples.
Nine of our samples come from the Wet Mountains in the southern part of the Front Range in Colorado, and we also have an additional five samples of diabase dikes along the Front Range ~100 km to the north. Analysis of thin sections of these samples under the petrographic microscope will provide insight into their exact mineralogical compositions as well as their igneous textures. This work will provide a framework for geochemical analyses of the dikes, which is currently underway. The results will help determine whether the Colorado intrusions are directly related to the southern Oklahoma rift.

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Potential Switchgrass Implementation Locations on Saskatchewan Agricultural Farms for Biofuel Production

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Emma Solomon Environmental Sciences Daphne Varmah Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 8, Position 2, 11:30-1:30

Switchgrass generates cellulosic ethanol, classified as an alternative fuel by federal definition. For switchgrass and other vegetation to become biofuel we have to look specifically at the cellulose microfibril and extract the glucose. This extraction leads to the fuel being produced. Switchgrass can deposit organic matter deep within the soil profile as the roots expand into the subsoil for nutrients and water. Not only is switchgrass a good biofuel product, but the carbon sequestration that comes along with planting this grass is highly beneficial. Due to the roots reaching deep into the soil, switchgrass is low maintenance while adding nutrients.
In this project, we will be researching possible farms in Saskatchewan, Canada preferably in close proximity to ethanol biorefinery plants for maximum switchgrass plantation, in order to seek possible expansion of biofuel production in Saskatchewan. We will be looking at farms, proximity of farms to biorefineries, and soil make up.

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Potential Switchgrass Implementation Locations on Texas Center-Pivot Farms for Biofuel Production

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Daphne Varmah Geological Sciences Emma Solomon Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Essayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 8, Position 1, 1:45-3:45

Switchgrass generates cellulosic ethanol, classified as an alternative fuel by federal definition. For switchgrass and other vegetation to become biofuel we have to look specifically at the cellulose microfibril and extract the glucose. This extraction leads to the fuel being produced. Switchgrass can deposit organic matter deep within the soil profile as the roots expand into the subsoil for nutrients and water. Not only is switchgrass a good biofuel product, but the carbon sequestration that comes along with planting this grass is highly beneficial. Due to the roots reaching deep into the soil, switchgrass is low maintenance while adding nutrients. In this project, we will be researching possible farms in Saskatchewan, Canada preferably in close proximity to ethanol biorefinery plants for maximum switchgrass plantation, in order to seek possible expansion of biofuel production in Saskatchewan. We will be looking at farms, proximity of farms to biorefineries, and soil make up.

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Raccon Habitat Prefernce in Fort Worth Park

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Justyn Wallace Environmental Sciences Kaitlyn Webb Environmental Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 10, Position 1, 1:45-3:45

Urbanization is an ever-growing problem that has led to habitat loss, habitat degradation, the spread of diseases, and so much more. Wildlife are slowly being pushed out of their historic home ranges, increasing human-wildlife conflicts. As a result, there has been a push to restore lost habitat and mitigate habitat destruction. However, this can be made tricky when managers are unaware of what makes a habitat suitable. Thus, there is an immediate need to determine ways of identifying environments favored by many species and implement conservation plans. Conducting present/absence surveys on animals and placing the sightings on a map is one way of determining where a species can be found. The purpose of this research will be to study the effects of urbanization on raccoons within parks in the Fort Worth area. Parks are valuable habitats for organisms in an urban environment as these parks have resources not found in highly human-disturbed areas such as neighborhoods or shopping districts. We will be comparing the raccoon sightings from iNatrualist, a citizen science platform, to different parks in the surrounding area to determine habitat suitability. We used GIS data from iNatrualist to compare raccoon sightings to habitat type. Habitat was divided into four categories: concrete, open field, water, and field with trees. Pictures of the study site were used to train Mulrispec, a multispectral image data analysis system, to identify areas that meet the habitat types. The distribution data was overlaid on top of the new map. Raccoon sightings were compared to habitat types to determine habitat preference. By identifying suitable habitats, we hope to learn how raccoons and other urban organisms are adapting to rising urbanization.

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Comparing Social Vulnerability to COVID-19 and Hospital Access in Tarrant County

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Amanda Whitley Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: First Floor, Table 1, Position 2, 11:30-1:30

This project uses GIS to take a look at multiple layers of spatial data to identify possible relationships between COVID-19 and a variety of social and economic factors impacting social vulnerability in Tarrant County, Texas in the year 2020. The purpose of this research is to better understand trends of widespread public health events and factors that may contribute their severity. A variety of techniques are used to map COVID-19 rates for each city and to visualize differences in social vulnerability across the county. Furthermore, GIS is used to analyze social vulnerability and access to hospitals in order to identify areas underserved by medical care. From there, recommendations for new hospital locations are established.

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Using ArcGIS to Identify Potential Urban Farm Locations in Tarrant County

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Amanda Whitley Geological Sciences Sarah Foxx Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: Third Floor, Table 4, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

For this project, we used GIS remote sensing technology to locate and identify potential locations for urban farming. The purpose of this project is to recognize and assist in the issue of food deserts in areas such as the DFW (Dallas Fort Worth) metroplex. A food desert refers to any area with limited or no access to affordable, nutritious food. This may include a lack of access to farmers’ markets, vegetable shops, or fresh produce. This project aims to recognize and assist in the issue of food deserts in urban areas with a particular focus on the East Fort Worth/Arlington area of Tarrant County. Several relevant datasets including high spatial resolution commercial remote sensing and other relevant spatial (such as property appraisal datasets, land temperature data) and non-spatial datasets. These will be combined in a GIS environment to identify empty plots of land that could be used for the purposes of urban agriculture while assessing their potential for food growth. Once these plots of land are identified, we will use ArcGIS to assess ecosystem services provided by these urban farms, such as the impact on climate and urban heat.

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Saltwater Intrusion Along the Texas Gulf Coast: Tracking Wetlands Distribution, Adaptation, and Migration

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Robert Wright Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 6, Position 1, 1:45-3:45

Saltwater Intrusion Along the Texas Gulf Coast: Tracking Wetlands Distribution, Adaptation, and Migration


Climate change trends in recent decades have led to sea level rise (SLR) due to increased polar ice melting. As the sea level rises, saltwater concentrations increase inland, compelling wetland species to adapt or migrate. This added stress on wetland species hampers their ability to offer ecosystem services (ES). This study will investigate the impact of saltwater intrusion (SWI) on coastal wetland species along the Texas Gulf Coast. Supervised and unsupervised classification will be the primary methods used to accurately assess the loss, gain, or migration of different groups of wetland species over two decades. Additionally, the potential effect of wetland distribution and species changes on the ES will be investigated by analyzing the spatial extent of storm surge flooding resulting from land-falling hurricanes two decades ago versus the present.

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Income and Road Quality Correlation in Texas

Type: Undergraduate
Author(s): Megan Boneck Environmental Sciences Audrey Haffner Environmental Sciences Gisela Pacheco Environmental Sciences Zoey Suasnovar Environmental Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 8, Position 2, 1:45-3:45

This research assesses the relationship between income per capita and the amount of maintenance received for the major roads across the State of Texas. Relevant datasets and analysis techniques such as demographic (census data), population density (distribution), road network, maintenance records, etc. will be carried out using ArcGIS Pro software. A series of maps highlighting analysis results derived based on the various parameters will be produced to provide a comprehensive overview of the relationship between the variables, if any, that would be useful for future decision-making.

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Sinkhole Detection and Characterization in West-central Texas using InSAR Time Series and Electrical Resistivity Tomography.

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Yosef Darge Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 3, Position 1, 11:30-1:30

Sinkhole hazards pose a major threat to key infrastructure and human lives in Taylor and Jones counties in West Central Texas. These counties are underlain by soluble evaporite and carbonate rocks. In this study, a data fusion approach was adopted in which multi-source datasets and techniques were combined to detect and map the spatial distribution of sinkholes, quantify their displacement rates, and identify the processes and factors controlling their occurrence. Preliminary results indicate: (a) there is a spatial correspondence between depressions (area: 625 m2 - 2500 m2) identified using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) datasets and previously- mapped sinkholes; (b) deformation rates over the mapped depressions derived using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry technique applied on 53 level-1 Sentinel-1 images (2016 – 2021) and calibrated using long-term (2006 – 2021) GNSS data indicate an average and peak subsidence rates of -6 mm/yr and +5 mm/yr, respectively; (c) clusters of high subsidence rates were noted over areas underlain by evaporites belonging to the Clear Fork Group; (d) efforts to validate the accuracy of the sinkhole detection techniques are currently underway using 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) surveys carried out on the identified subsiding depressions. In addition, groundwater level and discharge time series and other relevant datasets are being integrated to assess the processes and factors that induce the formation of these features. Results of this study could be used to develop an early warning system to implement mitigation strategies to curtail the impacts of the sinkhole hazards in Texas and other parts of the globe.

(Presentation is private)


Wildfire severity assessment using NBR (Normalized Burn Ratio) and NDVI drive indices from Landsat 8 imageries in Mendocino National Forest, California.

Type: Graduate
Author(s): Yosef Darge Geological Sciences
Advisor(s): Esayas Gebremichael Geological Sciences
Location: First Floor, Table 6, Position 1, 1:45-3:45

The Mendocino National Forest was affected by fire in August 2020. It devastated a substantial area of land over the period of three months, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in damage and the evacuation of thousands of people. Moreover, many of the local plantations were destroyed. To evaluate the severity of the impacted area for rehabilitation and restoration, severity data and maps are crucial. This study will combine several geospatial data including multitemporal remote sensing data to identify changes in forest structure and moisture content affected by the fires through burn severity maps. This study will use the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) technique to identify burned areas and provide a measure of burn severity. The NBR is calculated as a ratio between the NIR and SWIR values bands 5 and 7 obtain from pre-fire and post-fire Landsat 8 imageries. This will be followed by generating the Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (ΔNBR) for pre and after-imageries to map the fire severity. The result of the NBR analysis will be integrated with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to map vegetation greenness over the study area that will be helpful to validate the accuracy of the NBR analysis. Moreover, elevation dataset (Digital Elevation Model (DEM)) will be used to assess factors that exacerbate emerging wildfires such as topography and slope.

(Presentation is private)