Type: Graduate
Yosef Darge
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: First Floor, Table 6, Position 1, 1:45-3:45
(Presentation is private)The Mendocino National Forest was affected by fire in August 2020. It devastated a substantial area of land over the period of three months, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in damage and the evacuation of thousands of people. Moreover, many of the local plantations were destroyed. To evaluate the severity of the impacted area for rehabilitation and restoration, severity data and maps are crucial. This study will combine several geospatial data including multitemporal remote sensing data to identify changes in forest structure and moisture content affected by the fires through burn severity maps. This study will use the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) technique to identify burned areas and provide a measure of burn severity. The NBR is calculated as a ratio between the NIR and SWIR values bands 5 and 7 obtain from pre-fire and post-fire Landsat 8 imageries. This will be followed by generating the Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (ΔNBR) for pre and after-imageries to map the fire severity. The result of the NBR analysis will be integrated with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to map vegetation greenness over the study area that will be helpful to validate the accuracy of the NBR analysis. Moreover, elevation dataset (Digital Elevation Model (DEM)) will be used to assess factors that exacerbate emerging wildfires such as topography and slope.
Type: Undergraduate
Nicholas DeMaio
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 2, Position 1, 11:30-1:30
View PresentationThe objective of this research is to conduct wind farm suitability analysis (for energy generation) with a focus on areas that either heavily rely non-renewable sources of energy (parts of Australia) or areas that have limited access to energy. The study will combine several spatial datasets (road networks, population distribution, high mean windspeed, etc.) and analysis products (proximity to roads, national grids, etc.) to determine, through the suitability analysis, whether the wind energy is ideal and economical source of energy for the investigated areas.
Type: Undergraduate
Nicholas DeMaio
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremicheal
Geological Sciences
Location: Third Floor, Table 4, Position 2, 1:45-3:45
View PresentationAs we move further into the 21st century, Earth's functional processes are experiencing a steady shift, particularly in terms of climate and sea levels. Anthropogenic warming has accelerated the rise of sea levels and increased the frequency, intensity, and rainfall of cyclones and hurricanes. To investigate the impact of rising sea levels on storm surges in vulnerable areas, we utilized remote sensing and GIS technology to come up with an understanding of the influence land cover type has on flood intensity and assess the vulnerability of the Houston area based on storm surges from 2015 - 2022. Our findings underscore the critical need for urgent adaptation and mitigation measures to mitigate the risks associated with changing weather patterns and rising sea levels.
Type: Undergraduate
Vincent Fenlin
Geological Sciences
Ricardo Longoria
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 2, Position 1, 1:45-3:45
View PresentationThe purpose of this project was to identify the best market demographic in the South Florida area (Miami-Dade, and Broward County) for Fizgig. Fizgig a newly developed pet sitting app, is launching their app soon and we need to analyze market demographics to help aid with a successful app launch. Fizgig aims to connect certified pet sitters to pet owners with ease and affordability. Fizgig is not restricted to just cats and dogs, but all pets. Fizgig provides opportunities for those who are certified in pet sitting and want to grow there career in such disciplines. Furthermore, to analyze the capability of a successful launch we used Esri and Google Maps data of median household income, average annual pet spending, and pet sitting association data to pinpoint specific areas (hotspots) in South Florida to focus on the app launch. We concluded that Southeast Miami-Dade, Northwest Broward, and West Broward hotspots had the highest potential for pet sitting employment and app use due to highest pet expenditure in correlation to median income in there respective counties in addition to a high number of pet sitting associations within a close radius of these hotspots.
Type: Undergraduate
Sarah Foxx
Geological Sciences
Amanda Whitley
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 7, Position 2, 1:45-3:45
View PresentationFor our research project, we plan to use GIS remote sensing technology to locate and identify potential land plots for urban farming. The purpose of this project is to recognize and assist in the issue of food deserts in urban areas such as the DFW (Dallas Fort Worth) metroplex, NYC, and Los Angeles. A food desert refers to any area with limited or no access to affordable, nutritious food. This could include a lack of access to farmers’ markets, vegetable shops, or fresh produce. This project aims to recognize and assist in the issue of food deserts in urban areas with a particular focus on the East Fort Worth/Arlington areas in Tarrant County. Several relevant datasets including high spatial resolution commercial remote sensing and other relevant spatial (such as property appraisal datasets, soil data) and non-spatial datasets, and data analysis products (such as the proximity of the areas to fresh produce/major grocery stores) will be combined in a GIS environment to identify empty plots of lands that could be used for the purposes of urban agriculture and assess their potential for food growth.
Type: Graduate
Gunnar Gregory
Geological Sciences
Richard Denne
Geological Sciences
Richard Denne
Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 8, Position 3, 11:30-1:30
View PresentationThe greater East Texas Basin represents the portion of the Cretaceous Texas Shelf north of the San Marcos Arch, proximal to the Woodbine siliciclastics sourced from the Ouachita and Sabine uplifts. During the Early to Middle Cenomanian the basin underwent a time-transgressive transition from an oxygenated carbonate platform to an anoxic shelf. The Cenomanian-Turonian aged Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups have been studied since the late 1800’s; a confusing nomenclature system has been developed for them due to outdated biostratigraphic studies and inaccurate age interpretations, obscuring the age relationships of the various lithostratigraphic units. To study this time-transgressive transition and better understand and define the Woodbine-Eagle Ford contact in north Texas, stratigraphic and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) geochemical data will be collected from USGS near-surface cores drilled in Dallas and Grayson counties, and paired with X-ray diffraction (XRD), inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and core spectral gamma ray data provided by the USGS, and biostratigraphic data provided by Denne. Field work will also be conducted on several outcrop locations in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) Metroplex for detailed descriptions and measured sections to be made as well as sample collection for thin section, detrital zircon, and further XRF analysis. The data collected for this study will be used to lithostratigraphically and geochemically define the Woodbine-Eagle Ford transition zone in north Texas with the intent of determining the paleoceanographic conditions during deposition, and determine if this transition is time-transgressive across the DFW Metroplex and North Texas region.
Type: Graduate
Benite Ishimwe
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 3, Position 1, 11:30-1:30
View PresentationCurrent in-situ assessments of water quality in lakes can be significantly improved by leveraging recent advances in remote sensing and algorithm development for a faster and more cost-effective approach. This study leveraged satellite- (Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-2) and UAV-based remote sensing datasets to detect and monitor changes in key water quality parameters (Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and turbidity) within the epilimnion of Lake Arlington (Texas) during the past 20 years. In addition, remote sensing algorithms were developed to capture the spatial variability of the water quality parameters across the entire extent of the water body. The investigation period was divided into two segments: before and after the EPA-established Watershed Protection Plan program (WPP) in 2012 to mitigate the lake's water quality deterioration. A regression model, using satellite-based and historical in-situ observations (2002 – 2020), was developed to predict the targeted water quality parameters across the extent of the lake. Our preliminary results indicate: (1) Chl-a levels at the lake's inlet decreased significantly after 2012 (before: 32.1ug/L; after: 9.2ug/l); also turbidity (via Secchi Disk Depth) across the lake decreased after 2012 (before: 0.6 m; after: 0.5 m); and the spring season had the highest levels of Chl-a followed by the summer season for both before and after 2012 while high turbidity values also coincided with high Chl-a values in the summer, (2) regression analysis revealed a high correlation between the in-situ Chl-a and Landsat (before 2012: spring R2 = 0.62, summer R2=0.66; p-value < 0.01; after 2012: spring R2 = 0.54, summer R2=0.73; p-value < 0.01) and Sentinel-2 bands (2015-2020: spring R2 = 0.99, summer R2=0.82; p-value >0.05). Similarly, the regression analysis revealed a high correlation (2015-2020: spring R2 = 0.98, summer R2=0.57; p-value >0.05) between reflectance from Sentinel-2 bands and in-situ turbidity levels; (3) The optimum spectral band to detect Chl-a was found to be between 590-880nm for Landsat and 665-940 nm for Sentinel-2 while for turbidity it was between 450-670nm for Landsat and 560-705nm for Sentinel-2. Therefore, Sentinel-2 bandwidth was better at detecting Chl-a and turbidity levels in the lake because of its wider bandwidth; (4) Water quality controlling factors in lake Arlington include landcover change, precipitation rates, and the EPA WPP measures. Landcover change between 2001 and 2019 shows an overall 25% increase in urban areas, a 9.5% increase in wetlands, and a 10.7% decrease in grassland which may have contributed to the decline in Chl-a and turbidity values. Finally, efforts to calibrate and improve the accuracy of the satellite-based observations are underway with UAV-acquired multispectral imagery obtained at the time of the Sentinel-2 overpass over the lake.
Type: Undergraduate
Matt Kelly
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 3, Position 2, 1:45-3:45
View PresentationGiven the drastic rise in renewable energy investment across the US and globally, along with global sustainable development goals, it is important to develop techniques for renewable resource assessment. The study aims to identify the most suitable areas for renewable energy development in Texas by analyzing various geospatial factors that influence renewable energy production, such as terrain and land use. Resource-specific data such as surface direct normal irradiance (DNI) and wind speed and power density were used to ensure resource availability. Proximity to important infrastructure was also considered, access to infrastructure is an important economic consideration for utility-scale installation. Products generated use an integration of remote sensing data, geospatial analysis, and machine learning algorithms to develop a spatially-explicit multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) for solar and wind resources in Texas.
Type: Undergraduate
Matt Kelly
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Third Floor, Table 2, Position 2, 11:30-1:30
(Presentation is private)This study will develop (livable) suitability index for areas within Fort Worth with respect to the availability of various amenities (walkability, parks, etc.), public transport, proximity to fresh produce and entertainment (restaurants, etc.), and other relevant services. This is important as the City of Fort Worth has some of the lowest transit scores compared to major cities across the US especially with those having similar population as Fort Worth. Several spatial analysis techniques including proximity and overlay analysis will be undertaken using tools in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online to attain the objectives of the study.
Type: Undergraduate
Brooke Newell
Geological Sciences
Omar Harvey
Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 9, Position 1, 1:45-3:45
(Presentation is private)As the nature and quantity of new/novel nanomaterials continue to expand to meet industrial, medical, and domestic demands, their accidental or intentional release becomes inevitable. To this end, an evolving understanding of the interaction dynamics between nanomaterials and naturally occurring geomaterials is central to supporting continued sustainable development and use of nanomaterials. The current study explores the chemodynamics of the organic nanomaterial, polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers, binding to (and debinding from) ferrihydrite. Specific focus is placed on how PAMAM size and pH affects the reaction between three carboxyl-terminated PAMAMs (Gx.5-COOH) sorbing/desorbing to/from the variably-charged ferrihydrite (FFH). Since both ferrihydrite and PAMAM exhibit pH-dependent variation of speciation, it is expected that binding/debinding dynamics of differing sizes of PAMAM will vary. Investigating the quantity, rate, and dynamics of these reactions provides insight into the type of bonding occurring (physiosorption, electrostatic bonding, or hydrogen bonding) and the location of bonding (surface versus micropore spaces). The information gained from this study will help to develop a more holistic picture of the environmental fate of synthetic nanomaterials.
Type: Graduate
Ursula Nunez
Geological Sciences
Brooke Newell
Geological Sciences
Benjamin Strang
Kimberlee Whitmore
Essays Gebermichael
Geological Sciences
Omar Harvey
Location: Third Floor, Table 9, Position 2, 11:30-1:30
View PresentationIn Tarrant County, Texas, food deserts affect approximately 275,000 residents. Chronic health conditions affect households living in food-insecure communities, leading the government to spend billions of dollars treating preventable diseases. Implementing sustainable urban agriculture in areas of high need to produce food using geospatial technology to aid in soil management can play an important role in helping farmers. The objective is to create an urban soil analysis map from the data collected on the soil properties, distribution, and variability of how these properties affect landscapes.
Type: Graduate
Ryan Pastor
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: First Floor, Table 3, Position 1, 1:45-3:45
View PresentationThe aim for this project is centered around understanding carbon sequestration and the potential for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) in the United States of America. An in depth look at the CO2 emissions for given areas of the U.S. will be looked at to gain an idea of where localized hotspots for emissions are located and how the impact of these emissions can be reduced using CCUS. By coupling emission data with existing infrastructure data (such as active and abandoned wells, pipelines, storage facilities, etc.) an outlook on the possibility of CCUS and reduction of emissions can be achieved. Geologic formations also play a specific role in how CCUS works. Understanding the various rock formations below and how the injected CO2 will be sealed away deep in the ground is a vital piece for any CCUS project. Combining the geological data with the emissions and infrastructure data will piece together a variety of information to better understand the possibility of reducing carbon emissions in various areas around the United States.
Type: Graduate
Ryan Pastor
Geological Sciences
Richard Denne
Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 4, Position 3, 11:30-1:30
View PresentationThe Middle Cenomanian Woodbine sandstones act as a major reservoir system for many large oil fields throughout East Texas. Although numerous studies have been completed on Woodbine outcrops within DFW Metroplex, none have used modern techniques or tools, or utilized facies model concepts to study their reservoir characteristics or environment of deposition. Prior studies interpreted these outcrops as a shelf-strandplain coastal setting or a fluvial-dominated delta plain. However, this study of Woodbine outcrops along Lake Grapevine identified evidence of significant tidal influence.
The focus of this project was to determine the depositional environment and obtain a better understanding of the reservoir characteristics of the upper Woodbine (Lewisville) sandstones found in outcrop along the southeastern shores of Lake Grapevine in Tarrant County, TX. A detailed study of the lithofacies, ichnofacies, and biofacies, along with handheld spectral gamma ray and permeameter analyses, from 8 measured sections were conducted to identify representative lithofacies. Oversized thin-sections were made to estimate porosity ranges for each lithofacies, and to identify the types and extent of cement in the sandstones. Photomosaics were utilized to delineate sand body geometries by tracing out the lateral extent of the units and identifying significant surfaces and potential fluid barriers or baffles.
Seven lithofacies were distinguished in the outcrops of the study area: Bioclastic, massive bioturbated sandstone, mudstone, heterolithic sandstone and mudstone, crossbedded sandstone, flaser-bedded sandstone, and cemented sandstone. Two of the most common and laterally continuous lithofacies, the massive bioturbated and crossbedded sandstones, also had the best reservoir characteristics, with average porosities of 26% and 27%, and average measured permeabilities of 6,300 mD and 10,700 mD, respectively. The lower permeabilities in the massive bioturbated sandstone are related to clay-rimmed burrows. The bioclastic, mudstone, and cemented sandstone lithofacies are potential barriers to fluid flow, as they all have low porosities (less than 2%) and permeabilities (less than 200 mD).
The data acquired during this study were all consistent with an interpretation of a tidally-influenced estuarine to shallow marine depositional environment for the upper Woodbine in the study area, which differs from previous studies. The high abundance of trace fossils that are commonly found in tidally-influenced depositional systems, including Conichnus/Bergaueria, Cylindrichnus, Planolites, Palaeophycus, Rosselia, Rusophycus, Skolithos, and Thalassinoides, coupled with the presence of heterolithic deposits and common oyster shells led to this interpretation.
This study is the first to analyze outcrops of the Lewisville (upper Woodbine) sandstones in their type area specifically for their reservoir characteristics, and to document tidal influences during deposition. Considering the considerable volumes of hydrocarbons that have been produced from the Woodbine in the adjacent East Texas Basin, this study could provide valuable data for building reservoir models of upper Woodbine sandstones for both hydrocarbon production and potential CO2 sequestration.
Type: Undergraduate
Caleb Perkey
Geological Sciences
Bradley Roe
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 2, Position 2, 1:45-3:45
(Presentation is private)This research will examine the change in size of local aquifers in Texas to determine how drought affects crop yield in Texas, for the aquifers scattered about Texas are the major source of irrigation for farmers in the state. This will be demonstrated by assessing conditions in the San Antonio area (as a case study) due to the severe drought that has affected the area for the past couple of months. Several spatial datasets including remote sensing datasets and results derived using different analysis tools in GIS will be utilized to demonstrate the change in aquifer size and volume during the investigated period.
Type: Undergraduate
Liam Pittenger
Physics & Astronomy
Rhiannon Mayne
Environmental Sciences
Location: Third Floor, Table 3, Position 3, 11:30-1:30
View PresentationMore meteorites are found in North-West Africa every year than in any other location on the earth’s surface. These meteorites are sold and will either enter a scientific collection, or that of a private collector. In the latter case, a meteorite may never be officially classified, which means that it is not recognized by the scientific community as a new meteorite find.. The meteorite classification process is led by the Meteoritical Society, who nominate meteorite researchers to serve on the Meteorite Nomenclature Committee. This committee is responsible for the peer review of all meteorite classification submissions, and to ensure the donation of a scientific repository sample. After this, an official name is assigned and the meteorite is entered into the Meteoritical Bulletin Database (MetBull). MetBull is an archive of all meteorites recognized by the Meteoritical Society and contains basic information about each meteorite; for example, its classification, the location it was found, and a brief description of the sample studied.
The Monnig Meteorite Collection at TCU contains a number of unclassified meteorite samples. In this study, we will examine three unknown meteorites and determine the meteorite type in terms of: (1) the type of body they come from, (2) the minerals and textures they contain, (3) their mineral compositions and, (4) their thermal history. This data will then be submitted to the Meteorite Nomenclature Committee for official classification.
Type: Undergraduate
Jesse Mugisha
Environmental Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 5, Position 3, 11:30-1:30
View PresentationExcessive greenhouse gas emissions that result from unregulated energy exploitation contribute to climate change and air pollution. One way to restore the carbon balance within the earth’s systems is to increase carbon inputs by capturing atmospheric carbon and storing it in stable reservoirs, also known as Carbon Sequestration. Using the process of photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it to organic carbon that is relatively more stable than gaseous carbon. The ability to sequester carbon varies across different vegetation species and the environments in which they grow. Using ArcGIS tools and free-access remote sensing data, this study will survey the spatial distribution of plant biomass and their effective carbon storage capacity in a case study located in Africa. The results from this study will i) identify facilities with the most effective carbon sequestration potential ii) help conservation programs in making landscaping decisions for future urban developments.
Type: Graduate
Lauren Burden
Geological Sciences
Richard Hanson
Geological Sciences
Richard Hanson
Geological Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 6, Position 2, 1:45-3:45
View PresentationThe 1.2 Ga Barby Formation located in SW Namibia is comprised of basaltic andesites and shoshonites from oblique subduction in a volcanic arc setting. Recent mapping and whole-rock geochemistry within the Barby Formation has been completed by previous TCU graduate students. Clinopyroxenes (CPX) from samples collected during these studies were analyzed using an Electron Microprobe (EMP) at Fayetteville State University, North Carolina. Data collected from CPX phenocrysts corresponds with previous findings that the samples can be divided into two groups. Group 1 samples show an enrichment in rare earth elements (REE) and light rare earth elements (LREE) Th, Zr, La/Yb, Nb, with a smaller Ti anomaly as compared to Group 2 (Lehman, 2019; Orhmundt, 2020). CPX phenocrysts within Group 1 have higher TiO2 wt% concentrations. Differences between the two groups are attributed to different source rock compositions and partial melting (Lehman, 2019; Orhmundt, 2020). Mineral compositions and cation ratios from EPMA data were also used to determine geothermobarometric conditions of the formation’s magma plumbing system. Single-clinopyroxene thermometry and barometry equations from Wang et al. (2021) and Purtika (2008) were utilized in this study. Wang et al. (2021) calculations resulted with average pressures between 1-3 ± 1.5 kbar and average temperatures between 1100-1200 °C. Purtika (2008) calculations resulted with overall higher pressures averaging at 3-5 kbar and slightly hotter temperatures at 1200 ± 50°C. Overall temperatures are higher than what would be expected in the basaltic andesitic system and variations could be due to the low-grade metamorphism the area has experienced that has affected the geochemistry.
Type: Graduate
Yosef Darge
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 3, Position 1, 11:30-1:30
View PresentationSubsidence is a downward sinking of earth materials that creates a large or small circular surface, but it may produce linear or irregular failure patterns. The highly dissolved calcium carbonate or evaporite rocks allow acidic rainwater to permeate its strata. Near or underlying rock can easily be dissolved in water and create space and caverns underground, making a sudden catastrophic collapse of the land surface. Highly soluble bedrocks are a widespread geologic phenomenon in the West Texas Permian Basin. The majority of the area has been impacted by the subsurface dissolution gypsum layers, which is a cause of the active sinkhole formation from a few meters to 100 m wide. This geohazard has caused damage on infrastructure and civilian property. It can cause environmental problems when it alters the local hydrology. Sinkhole detection using field surveying is expensive, time-consuming, labor-intensive, and not easily accessible, and it might be potentially dangerous for the surveyor. In this paper, I detect, map, and thus analyze anthropogenic triggering factors of sinkholes in Wink, Texas, using open-source high-resolution LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. Methods involve Generating Digital Elevation Model (DEM), extracting the depressions from DEM, identifying sinkhole boundary contour, and then converting the delineated sinkhole to a polygon shapefile, analyzing the shape and geometric properties. False alarm sinkhole depression eliminates based on the threshold value. Finally, human-induced factors have been investigated.
Type: Graduate
Preston Dupree
Geological Sciences
Sam Totz
Geological Sciences
John Holbrook
Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 4, Position 3, 1:45-3:45
View PresentationDistributive fluvial systems (DFS) are cited to be one of the most dominant fluvial depositional systems seen in continental basins. This system can now be defined by five common characteristics seen in many continental basins: 1) channels that radiate from an apex; 2) a channel size decrease downstream; 3) an increase in preservation of floodplain deposits relative to downstream deposits; 4) a decrease downstream in channel grain size; 5) a change from amalgamated channel deposits in proximal areas to more separated and smaller channels in distal areas. DFSs have been heavily studied in the Morrison Formation near the Four Corners of the United States, however, they have not been tested in eastern New Mexico. The above set of parameters are tested in the Morrison Formation in East New Mexico against the Salt Wash DFS to see how the two systems compare.
Completing this study will provide quantitative analysis over a potential ancient DFS with the goal of providing a dataset that can be used to compare with other DFSs. Additionally, analyzing an unknown area of the Morrison Formation will ultimately open up studies to be worked on in the future. Correlating the East Morrison Formation DFS with the Colorado Plateau Morrison Formation DFS will bridge the gap for determining similarities and differences between these exposures and set the stage for future studies. Additionally, this work will also help us better understand the wider Morrison basin and facies distributions within.The Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation has been extensively studied in the Western-Interior United States since it contains economic resources of uranium, vanadium, and some of the most well-preserved dinosaur fossils in the United States. Covering over 450,000 square miles from southern Canada to New Mexico, the Morrison Formation's enormous extent presents a unique opportunity to understand the processes happening on Earth's surface during the Late Jurassic. Studies of the Morrison Formation have primarily focused on areas where there are large concentrations of the aforementioned economic resources within its strata. The geologic community has largely overlooked Morrison Formation outcrops in northeastern New Mexico compared to the exhaustively studied outcrops in and around the Colorado Plateau. The absence of recent studies in the Morrison Formation in northeast New Mexico provides a chance to explore it with a level of detail unobtainable until recently. This study will undergo a detailed architectural analysis of two to three extensive outcrops of the Morrison Formation in northeastern New Mexico. This Study will do detailed bedding and facies diagrams of these outcrops from drone images to constrain fluvial style and fluvial history of these rocks. Studying the Morrison Formation in a high level of detail will, in all likelihood, produce new information on the climate and fluvial morphology of the environment in the Late Jurassic. With a new detailed understanding of this all but forgotten piece of the Morrison Formation, the groundwork will be laid for the potential to correlate this piece of the Morrison Formation with other understudied or non-correlatable pieces elsewhere across its vast depositional extent and to piece this part of the Late Jurassic fluvial story into the larger puzzle.
Type: Graduate
Emily Gackstatter
Geological Sciences
Rhiannon Mayne
Environmental Sciences
Location: Basement, Table 2, Position 2, 1:45-3:45
(Presentation is private)Martian meteorites provide us with a window into the processes occurring during the formation and evolution of the terrestrial planets, such as: accretion and differentiation, emplacement and formation of magmatic rocks, the behavior and content of volatile compounds, and the effects of impact events. Here, we present the initial results from a two-phase study on a presumed Martian meteorite, hereafter referred to as NWA X. First, the 800g main mass of NWA X was imaged prior to cutting using 3D laser scans and photogrammetry to produce 3D models of the meteorite’s exterior, and computed tomography (CT) to provide scans of the interior. The main mass was cut and a 175g end piece was donated to the Monnig Meteorite Collection, along with a 5g chip for scientific analysis. In the second phase of the study, we will characterize NWA X in terms of its texture, modal mineralogy, and mineral chemistry. Results from this study will allow us to confirm if NWA X is of Martian origin and, if so, place it in context within the existing dataset for Martian meteorites.
Type: Graduate
Ethan Gower
Geological Sciences
Rhiannon Mayne
Environmental Sciences
Location: First Floor, Table 5, Position 2, 11:30-1:30
View PresentationMesosiderites are a group of stony-iron meteorites that contain roughly equal amounts of core material (metal) and crust (silicates) from one or more asteroid parent body. The core material is predominantly Fe,Ni-metal, with some troilite (FeS), and is found as clasts and/or intimately mixed within the meteorite matrix. Silicate clasts are basaltic or gabbroic in origin, representing different formation depths within the crust, and are predominantly plagioclase and pyroxene. The formation of mesosiderites is not fully understood, but observed features require a three stage process: (1) formation of asteroidal silicate crust; (2) metal-silicate mixing, where molten metal is injected into the solid silicates; (3) deep burial, as reflected by the extremely slow cooling rates of less than 1ºC/My. Mesosiderites are classified by pyroxene content and degree of metamorphism, which focuses only on the silicate phases. That not only ignores half of their mineralogy, but also the third stage of their formational history. Additionally, only 15% of known mesosiderites have been studied in detail. This research aims to 1) investigate five previously understudied and ungrouped mesosiderites and 2) determine if metal within mesosiderites can be used to refine current classification schemes.
Type: Undergraduate
William Hart
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Third Floor, Table 10, Position 1, 1:45-3:45
View PresentationFort Worth, Texas has become one of the most populated areas in the United States. With a growing influx of commuters on a daily basis, there is no doubt that there will be a large amount of car crashes in the city. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, in 2020 there were over 15,000 car crashes while in 2021 there were over 17,000 car accidents. In 2022 alone there have been over 3000 car crashes already. Many of these car crashes are likely avoidable and finding the areas that are most susceptible to these accidents will be valuable knowledge for drivers and the city. Applying ESRI ArcGIS Pro’s spatial analysis extension to the Texas Department of Transportation's car accident the roads of Fort Worth with high crash and fatality rates will be found and mapped accordingly.
Type: Graduate
Rosbeidy Hernandez
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Second Floor, Table 3, Position 3, 11:30-1:30
View PresentationDebris flow is a landslide with a quick velocity of displacement that involves risk and damages to life and property. It can be triggered by periods of intense rain usually on steep slopes. Also, a second triggering factor is the influence of wildfire. Wildfire can increase drastically the probability of this type of landslide because the fire burned the vegetation which helps to stabilize the soil and the slope. The research uses geographical information system (GIS) for the development of mapping landslide susceptibility, with a particular interest in the evaluation of areas vulnerable to debris flow natural hazards that may be triggered after a wildfire, with the effects of intensive periods of precipitation. The method has been applied to Montecito city, which was exposed to a massive mudslide in January 2018. The spatial landslide susceptibility response in this study area is correlated to different factors, such as vegetation, lithology, slope gradient, and distance to streams networks which are considered the control of the probability of incidence of a landslide event in this area. Obtained by using the methodology of the multi-criteria decision evaluation (MCE) model. The results obtained from this study indicate that the GIS-based model is valuable and appropriate for the scale used in this study. The model helped to identify areas that still are affected by the wildfire, which can be vulnerable to a new process of debris flow impacting the population closer to the rivers downhill.
Type: Graduate
Rosbeidy Hernandez
Geological Sciences
Esayas Gebremichael
Geological Sciences
Location: Third Floor, Table 3, Position 2, 1:45-3:45
View PresentationThe city of Austin and its surrounding area is experiencing tremendous growth and expansion as a consequence of fast urban development and population growth. This has led to increased constructions and other anthropogenic alterations of the environment to accommodate the growing population and economy. These activities, coupled with the natural conditions and forcings, have made areas within the metropolis susceptible to the threats of landslides. The present study aims to identify zones in the study area that are susceptible to the threats of slow-moving creep/slow-slide landslide hazards and understand the factors and processes that control the occurrence of these events through an integrated study approach. This includes: (1) generating a landslide susceptibility (LS) map through a combination of the triggering factors including local geology and tectonic features, land use/cover, elevation/slope, and precipitation; (2) detecting active deformation processes that could lead to landslide failure using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) analysis techniques applied on Sentinel-1 SAR datasets (2015 – 2020) and validated through datasets from campaign GPS surveys and permanent stations; and (3) identify the factors and processes that directly or indirectly constrain the occurrence of the phenomenon through spatial analysis of relevant datasets. Our findings show: (1) the main concentration of vertical displacement (-1 to -6 mm/yr) is around the northern region of the study area; (2) zones with a moderate subsidence rate coincide with urbanized areas (up to -2 mm/yr) whereas pockets of high displacement rates (up to -6 mm/yr) are noted on NW parts; (3) most of the areas experiencing subsidence are underlain by the Comanche Series characterized by alternating beds of harder and softer limestones interbedded with beds of marly/clayey layers, and formations of marine marl, sandstone, and carbonaceous shale from the Gulf Series; (4) there is a high spatial correspondence between areas with high subsidence rates and high LS index; and (5) efforts are currently underway to analyze relevant datasets to determine factors and processes that control the occurrence of the hazard.
Type: Graduate
Benite Ishimwe
Geological Sciences
Harvey Omar
Geological Sciences
Location: Third Floor, Table 7, Position 1, 1:45-3:45
View PresentationNationally groundwater supplies 30% of the freshwater while within Texas that number increases to 60%. As population increases across the United States, Texas being the 7th fastest-growing state, there is immense pressure on freshwater resources. It is important to monitor the quality of groundwater reservoirs to ensure continuous and sustainable use of these reservoirs for current and future populations.
This study assesses the water quality of all nine major aquifers in Texas, with a focus on investigating the water chemistry change across shallow wells (below 300 feet) in these aquifers. This study used a distributed analysis to extrapolate the pH and Total Dissolved Salts (TDS) distribution across Texas major aquifers and revealed that all the shallow wells exhibit signs of water chemistry change. Decadal analysis of data from the Pre-1960s up to 2016 indicates that the pH of these shallow wells had sudden salinization between 1975-1985, followed by significant acidification from 1985 to 2016, where all aquifers followed this trend with the exception of Carrizo Wilcox in the far East and Hueco Mesilla Bolsons in the far West of Texas. On the other hand, TDS increased consistently statewide.
Added effort will be geared towards finding a correlation between the long-term groundwater chemistry change and the land use/land cover change around the major aquifers of Texas. The results of this project will help to determine the possible origin and causes of the change in groundwater chemistry of shallow aquifers in Texas.